Since the OP gave a huge runthrough of all the maps I thought I would do the same. I might be a bit biased to halo 3 because it's been a while since I've played it and rediscoved it's probable faults. H3: -Assembly: Decent map, fun for team fiesta. 7/10 -Avalanche: Fun, interesting CTF and Assault action. Middle Tunnel was a huge choke point though. 6.5/10 -Blackout: Okay map, honestly can't remember much about it. 7/10 -Snowbound: Waaay too splatter happy, not enough cover, bases ideal for camping, massive underground choke point. Never hated it while in halo 3, but when I think about it now, it sucks. 2/10 -Citadel: Too small. 6/10 -Cold Storage: Fun for a variety of gametypes, well made, looks cool. Sort of a more silly map IMO. 8.5/10 -Construct: Pretty good. Not much else to say. 7/10 -Epitaph: great ffa map, like the bouncy floating thing in the front. Not the best for CTF or team slayer. Real fun overall. 6.5/10 -Foundry: A bunch of crates and boxes lying around. No flow, no consistency, should have not been in multiplayer. 3.5/10 -Ghost town: Great aesthetics, very nice, flowing organic map. The only problem is the tunnel pipe blue spawn feels out of place and damages map flow. 7.5/10 -Guardian: Design wise, best map of Halo 3. Organic, interesting, works for nearly all gametypes. 9.5/10 -Heretic: I always loved it because you spawned with sticky nades. Great slayer, ****ing insane king of the hill. One of my favourite ffa maps ever. 10/10 -High ground: Good map. I remember the spawning near the cliffs to be a but shitty though, leading to spawn killing. 6.5/10 -Isolation: The Jack Of All Trades. Good at everything, just not good enough at anything to be worth noting. 7/10 -Last Resort: Great for 1 sided objective, big turbine was fun to **** around with. 8/10 -Longshore: Uh... I remember it being a tad unbalanced for one flag. 5/10 -Narrows: Fun map for both MLG, and less serious slayer, interesting for CTF. I have bland memories of it overall. 6/10 -Orbital: On one hand, the layout was confusing and slayer was meh. On the other hand it was fun to have Mongooses in such a small map and it was hands down the best zombie map in terms of atmosphere and layout. 8/10 -The Pit: Well made, but it is honestly boring to me. ?/10 -Sandbox: Okay, feels like it was designed as an actual map and not just a show of the location and forge pieces like foundry. 6/10 -Sandtrap: Amazing 2 sided objective, amazing BTB and the elephant was a sexy sexy beast. Best big map of halo 3. Only thing that sucks in the map is the prowler. 9.5/10 -Standoff: Great for the warthog, well designed bases, real fun map. 8.5/10 -Valhalla: Pretty fun map. my main care about it was trick jumping. 7.5/10. Halo 3: 7/10 Stopping here right now, If this list bloats up the thread feel free to tell me.
No it's a great list -- I'd like your thoughts on Halo 4 if you feel like it. I personally like them, just not as much as I liked 3's maps haha
Doing that next, glad you like it. Now, Halo Reach: Anchor 9: Fun map despite the uninspired layout. 7/10 Breakpoint: It’s a map that works for both Invasion and BTB slayer, (which is quite the feat), and it’s very fun. The only problem is the overabundance of vehicles on the map. 8.5/10 Boardwalk:It’s a quite competent map, if a tad unbalanced for CTF. Nothing realy else worth noting. 6.5/10 Boneyard: Fun and balanced for Invasion and it works fantastic with the jetpack. Tis a shame that the back part just hangs there like dead weight in other gametypes. 7/10 Condemned: Great layout, Amazing skybox and aestetic. Had amazing, tense CTF and incredible SWAT. 9.5/10 Countdown: Way too many CQC weapons for such a small map, then combined with sharp corners, lots of little nooks to hide in and active cameo makes this map is a campers paradise. Add top dominant layout and general bad design and you have a terrible map. 2.5/10 Highlands: The map has a fun layout and very good vehicle and infantry combat, If somewhat sullied by the overabundance of power weapons. 7/10 Powerhouse:I like the round layout and the choices for power weapons, but the back area lacks purpose outside of the campaign. Very solid and fun map. 7.5/10 Reflection: It’s a good map. 7/10 Spire: the ease of spawnkilling ****s over Invasion somewhat, which is a shame as besides that Invasion is realy fun for this map. I like how the map is very vertical and focused on aerial combat and when that combines with the spire it makes a very exiting map. I wish that they made a version for BTB that only has the spire and surrounding area’s available for travel as it would improve the map immensly with no spawning on the other side of the map having to walk 5 miles to where the action is. 8/10 Sword Base: Always too focused around the top right building, which combined with the powerfull grenades and the tight coridors makes the map perfect for grenade spamming. Combined with bad spawining that literaly has you spawning 5 feet away from a battle, this map is my personal worst. 2/10 Tempest: I honestly don’t remember anything about this map other than it’s impressive forge capabilities. ?/10 Zealot: A fun, small map, If suffering the usual problem for circular maps like this that everyone runs around on the sides and no one goes into the center. 7/10 Forge World maps: Asylum: A fun, nicely sized map that can be used for almost all gametypes without fail. 8/10 Hemorrhage: While it may have worked in halo 1, Blood gulch today has no cover from snipers, bad spawns, and poor terrain. The only saving grace is that blood gulch in forge world made nice terrain for other maps. 4/10 Paradiso: I like the big mountain and how fun it was scaling it with the jetpack and fighing dudes at the top, the bases were well designed and Invasion slayer was perfect for this map. It’s a shame that it was more or less phased out of reach matchmaking. 7.5/10 Pinnacle: It was a tad too dominated by the top tower with the banshee gone, (to say nothing of the the tower in infection). Other than that the map is more or less average. 6.5/10 The Cage: Fun enough for slayer, despite some imbalances (one team gets a lower spot with a sniper while the other gets higher ground and rockets). 7/10 Overall, Halo Reach gets a 7/10 for me.