Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Yama, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Lockout | *Final Version Released 3/8*

    *Because this map has underwent months of reconstruction and a co-forge since posting, please refer to page five and up for discussion based on the final version of the map.*

    Lockout is a 1:1 replica of the Halo 2 map co-forged by veteran forger Vincent Torre (MickRaider) and myself, YamaMX.

    Halo 4 Competitive Maps | Lockout - YouTube

    Back in January I forged the map while using Halo 2 PC as a guide, block for block. Like many, I have a passion for this map as it housed many great competitive outings and memories. Having presented the original version, it received many positive reviews and a ton of useful feedback. This is where I met MickRaider, who could sense my passion for perfection and my willingness to listen, learn and execute. Together we bounced the map up and back, each of us taking care of large chunks at a time. By the end of it all, the map underwent ten major version increments before becoming final.

    The goal of this remake was to faithfully reproduce Lockout; line of sight for line of sight, trick jump for trick jump without sacrificing visual fidelity in any way. While some remakes tend to re-imagine the map in order for it to work with Halo 4 settings and bigger party sizes, we wanted a true 1:1 experience that both works well for Halo 4 and stays absolutely true to the original. While the trick jumps and such were made to work with Halo 4's engine seamlessly, no liberties were taken in regards to map size. Instead we measured for days on end to re-create the scale of the original, right down to the amount of seconds it takes to fall to your death.

    While I could write a change log, it would likely reach a character limit... thrice. I can honestly say the map was rebuilt from the ground up, everything has been amended or changed for the better in some way, shape or form. Just some small examples in comparison to the original would be the addition of the cave itself, missing entirely from the beta build. The entire height of the map has been adjusted. Bridges that most fail to realize have slight inclines have been inclined accordingly. Every Halo 2 spawn has been faithfully reproduced. Every room has been redone from the ground up, literally. Every trick jump is included and act nearly the same way they do in Halo 2. Barrel balance. Railings flipped. Tweaks to glass. Walls shortened or extended. Line of sights amended. The inclusion of CTF, Oddball and King of the Hill with the exact hill properties right down to length, width and height. The Halo 4 exclusive addition of Extraction. Optimization of the lighting budget. I could go on for hours, literally. It is an entirely new map in comparison to the original, shaped by over one hundred hours of work and countless play tests through out.

    The end result is Lockout, as you remember it. The map can be found in my file share or by following the provided link. Blockout, a version tweaked for Halo 4's Infinity Slayer with Ordnance Drops and such will be available shortly via MickRaider.










    #1 Yama, Jan 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I hope you realize that the underside of the central platform is sloping the wrong way...
  3. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    I really wish you'd have watched the video before being so quick to point out something that is completely false, especially for a first reply.

    The slope is on the outside to hide some of the structures, in no way does it affect accurate playability. Under glass room is 100% faithfully reproduced in every aspect, the slope being the most obvious part of it, along with other nuances missing from most remakes. Feel free to view it for yourself.

    Skip to 5:50.
    #3 Yama, Jan 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man, awesome remake, though I got some nit picks.

    If you don't know my history, I built a map in Halo 3 called Blockout because of how disappointed I was with Blackout. At the time this was very controversial because there are a lot of apologists who didn't see the point in a Lockout remake. I feel like I made good waves with people and it got a lot of downloads at the time.

    For one I just gotta say cudos on your commitment. After making Blockout I've been looking for someone who actually cared about the quality and accuracy of their remake.

    Now remember that I say this as someone with a huge passion for Lockout and have studied the design to death and could point out every possible flaw there is.

    A) Your map is too flat. Length and width wise it's fine, but there are some very subtle degree variations in the map.

    To me I feel like your middle is .1-.2 blocks too high. The middle platform was lower than all the surrounding buildings. There was a slight incline on the ramps to BR2 and library. BR2 and Library were on the same height.

    Along with that there was a slight incline between bottom mid and S1.

    B) The LoS between S1 and BR1 concerns me. I think you have the offset slightly wrong. It looks like you need to move BR tower .1-.2 to the right as seen from middle, but I couldn't get a good view from your video.

    C) I didn't notice the pillar on Elbow. That was the only cover on the whole elbow and pretty important.

    D) it didn't look like the jump from the ramps to bottom mid > sword elbow was possible. That was a lesser known jump but it still existed.

    E) You don't have the slanted incline in BR1 to bounce frag grenades up. A minor thing.

    I could probably find some more minor variations. But this is definitely the closest to the original, and 99% accurate.

    I love lockout obsessively. I used to just grab a plasma pistol and a jump gametype and jump around lockout for hours on end. So please keep this in mind.

    I would love to work with you on making this even more accurate. Far too often I've found a stellar lockout and when I confront the forger with it they become super defensive and refuse to make any changes.

    It would be nice to find another remake forger who cares more about giving the community the best they can give without their ego getting in the way.
  5. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Absolutely awesome input MickRaider, much thanks. And very glad to see you feel this is the closest thus far, I honestly appreciate that.

    I'd enjoy working with you in the future to make 99% accurate turn into 100% accurate, most certainly.
  6. DoctorB77

    DoctorB77 Forerunner

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    Haha. Just saw this map on the 343i Community Forum :D

    Once again great job :)
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I sent you a friend request. Let's see if we can't make this perfect together.
  8. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Thanks a bunch DoctorB, really appreciate it.

    MickRaider, accepted. We definitely will.
  9. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea the only thing i notice is top mid is just tid bit to high, but other than that, very solid remake. This is what i like to see from remakes, either reimagine it, or recreate it 1:1 is the only way to give respect to the original imo. Good forge man, i was happy to see the sniper explosion thing!

    I wish you could add the super jumps haha
  10. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    I've seen some great Lockout remakes so far, but I have a feeling this one's going to be awesome. Looking forward to trying this one out soon.
  11. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Thanks a bunch DC, I feel exactly the same way. Glad you enjoyed the 'sniper catch' as much as I do, haha.

    III Specia1 K III, thanks! Loving your Burial Mounds as well, as is my entire group.
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    goind to DL this tonight

    please update this thread if and when you make any changes to get to that 100% so that we know to come here and find the new copy.

    good luck and thanks for taking such care to remake faithfully.
  13. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Hell YES!

    This is what I like to see, people making remakes with this much care and devotion and implementing aspects that you can do in the original. I would love to see someone make Guardian or Construct with this kind of attention to detail and respect for the original. Just excellent!

    I am not as familiar with Lockout as I am other Halo maps. So I don't really know any of the minor details, things you have to get perfect for it to be the map. From what I can see you did an excellent job here.

    As I side note, I am sick to death of so many people saying that they enlarged their remake to accommodate core sprint. If I hear that one more time I'm going to strangle them. 90% of the time sprinting doesn't actually end up breaking the map. Sometimes its enhanced by it, other times it just provides an easy getaway; but it doesn't break it. People for the most part just use it as an excuse for the fact they made their map to large. Just stop. I can't take it anymore.
    #13 UberAURORA, Jan 26, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2013
  14. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    The map looks good, but Shutout (the remake already in matchmaking) is also a perfect replica and all of the jumps I know can be replicated. I just have no reason to download your map.
  15. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man, you really have outdone yourself. This is more than likely going to be the version of lockout I save to my hard drive, never going to look for another one.
  16. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Love the map, as someone who has monitored, judged, and cried over seemingly thousands of Lockout remakes over the past couple years, I must say your version really does have the most bang for the buck of anyone I have seen in this game or Reach. Vincent already dropped some great feedback and I very much look forward to playing this, and future versions of your map.

    Great job my friend

    Shutout = scaled up Blackout
    This = Lockout

    Also, If you argue on the internet about Lockout inaccuracies, your gunna have a bad time.
  17. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like your style, but, I found the video commentary to be ridiculous because you kept bragging that your map is 1:1 when it isn't. I can spot several differences already. I may be picky, but when it comes to a 1:1 re-creation, it must be just that.
  18. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    Maybe you could point out those difference rather than just complain about them being there (as others have already helpfully done). The OP seems just as intent as anyone else, if not more-so, on trying to make this the best remake possible, but just saying "Hey, it's not perfect like you said it was! Rabble-Rabble!" doesn't help him fix what may have been oversights.
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Very nice job, but I wouldn't put "perfect remake" unless it is honestly perfect. You even say that all of the tactical jumps are there, yet you are missing a few i can see right off the bat. The prefab buildings are not to scale. The rocks above you use for nade banks and launches aren't there. The sniper tower is scaled down. Youre missing the elbow cover. Can't fall in between BR 2, to your death. Theres a TON of imperfections on this. Regardless, you did some pretty fine work.
  20. Yama

    Yama Forerunner

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    Thank you very much everyone, glad to see you're enjoying it!

    Add me any time for customs: YamaMX

    It wasn't in the form of bragging at all, if you listened to the video in it's entirety I'm modest, approachable and willing to continue working towards making it perfect with everyone's input and help. Glad you like the direction though, appreciate it.


    This actually made me laugh. If you think Shutout is anywhere near close to Lockout's dimensions, then by all means, please do continue to play it as you wouldn't appreciate an attempt at a 1:1 to begin with. In short, it's not even close. I prefer Lockout without a parking lot for top mid.

    This again.

    I can't disagree. Though as stated in the video, the handful of shortcomings are noted and will hopefully be addressed shortly. This is still less than a few days old and a v1.0 release. MickRaider and myself will potentially be working on 1.1 together.

    Don't take too much offense from the name, it's striving at being just that and the consensus is it's the closest yet. Not even a percent of boastful nature is tied to this project, instead it's made out of love for the community and presented in openness.
    #20 Yama, Jan 26, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2013

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