TURF A Halo 2 Remake There are two versions of this right now, Turf Classic, which is set up for classic settings, and Turf, which is going through the testing phases for the Forge Test hopper in matchmaking. This one is more up to date, and will keep getting updated until it's perfect. Without further ado, I present Turf, a Halo 2 classic. I tried to make the most accurate remake of Turf ever seen in Forge, and I'd like to believe that I succeded. What do you guys think? Cliff Wall (Formerly Scarab) Street Corner Med Hut from Street Corner Garage from Street Corner Med Hut Alleyways Action Shots Download Link: Spartan Hub > File Browser > Map variants > File Share Search > (Darkprince909) > Turf Classic
Just ran around on this map with a friend of mine, we're both in awe. I honestly didn't think such a faithful recreation was possible, but you nailed the color palette, size and most of all playability in just about every way possible. The area selection was precisely chosen as the lighting really brings all of the right places to life. In short: I instinctively picked up a shotgun, not because I wanted to use it, but because I needed a secondary so I could quad shot with BR. Immediate realization we're not playing Halo 2, yet the map is such a dead ringer my old Halo 2 instincts kept kicking in. Five out of five stars.
Looks clean from the pics but I have a question. What did you do for the doors? I think that Turf had opening doors if I am correct?
@Yama: Thanks man, I definitely tried to give Turf the love it deserved, but never got in Reach, and I'm glad I was able to come through with it. @Narfidy444: I just used a couple of the cover pieces to mimic the doors being propped partway open. Sadly, there's no way to make the swinging doors in Halo 4's forge (at least not yet...)
DL'ed the map and might I say, this was by far the best remake I got. You nailed everything to the teeth, all the way to the Rooster Teeth soda machines. Kudos to you!
Well I'll take that compliment as long as it excludes the spawns. They're still pretty bad, and I need to get them fixed. If anyone with more spawn finesse could take a look and make some tweaks to the spawns on the Infinity Slayer version, I would be forever in your debt. I can't get a party of 8 people to get some good 4v4 tests, and I really need to get the spawns fixed ASAP so this can maybe make it into the Forge Test playlist.
Booted this up in a fairly large group of randoms last night. On the hilarious side of things, two people immediately left because it wasn't included in "AGL play" and was a "remake of some old map." You've got to love the incredibly boring and clueless mindset of new school wannabe high level players. I later scraped them in some customs, let's just say I did it for your Turf. Haha. As for the other six or so people who stayed in and played, they all loved it. Many people said they were surprised as to how it felt like Turf, they thought it wasn't possible in Forge. It brought back a lot of good memories. The only "complaint" I heard was someone wanted to see something more out of the scarab area, in which I told them I'm sure if you could have you would have. Also a small jump area on back wall was missing, though it didn't alter play any so nobody minded. Outside of the two fools who left, the kind of people you want to see your map all loved it. In fact, we ended up playing on it twice that night as a few of the players invited their friends just to check it out. I referred them all to your gamertag.