This is one of my best maps i think.I don't know why but it wouldn't let me put a descrition other than 2-8 player, i don't know why. SO here is is... " This old building was used to train Spartan assassin's until the treaty with the elites came along then the program ended..." Download here: Forging 101: interlocking unlimmited buget mering immovable objects with map geometry taking advange with symmety weapons: symmetric- battle riflel-2 smg-2 shotgun-1 sniper-1 magnum-1 asymmetric- carbin-2 spiker-2 beam rifel-1 plasma pistal-1 energy sword-1 equiment- power drain-2 regenorator-1 bubble shield-1 Gametypes:-recimented Capture the flag Slayer- team or FFA Oddball-team Assult-nurtral or normal territories king of the hill-team or brawl ALL game types can be played but the ones have above are the best to play Pictures:
Form the screenies, it looks like it's an arena styled map, but I could be wrong. Maybe provide a better description so it could be more clear? Anyway, I'll give it a dl, but I wont beable to play it until later so I'll get back to u on the map.
10/5 thats how nice this map looks all the interlocking is done excelently and the envornment is not dull or repetive, nice job keeping it fresh
more like claustrophobic. I dont like the ramp in picture 1. When you go up it you have to jump up to get on the platform which pretty much ruins the meaning of the ramp. Make it connect. Other than that the map is aight. 3.5/5