
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by vbg17, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. vbg17

    vbg17 Ancient
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    It all started with a gametype called dome shotties made by nightcast41. It was very small and you only used shotguns. Very fast and hectic. But the only thing I didnt like was the fact that you never really had your bearings. So I wanted to create the same hectic feel without the disorientation. So I set about trying to make spawns above the map. That didnt work very well.

    So after much tinkering I found this. I wont claim to be the first because there are alot of people more creative than me, but I havent seen it before. The Mancannon spawn!!


    We started playing it with shotguns and that was cool but then it moved into rockets. That is were I think this map will do best.


    This map will fit anywhere between 2-8 and becomes really interesting when the leader has a waypoint. We ended alot of games with everybody within 5 points. Some might question the spawn system because you might spawn right on top of someone, but we found that didnt happen often and when it did it was usually hilarious(nothing like getting a suicide kill without even seeing the other person).

    It isnt the most innovative map and I dont even think I would consider it finished but my creative juices are running on empty. So I come here for help. I think the idea is great but I dont know what else to do with it. Right now it is only set up for 8 people and there are no weapons on the map. So what I am saying is I would love someone to help me finish/redesign it.

    Here is a overview


    Thanks for taking the time to read this and please post any ideas, variations, or your gt if you would like to meet up and take a look.

    Link for download

  2. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    looks like a nice map. i was making something with mancannon spawns that shoot you down into an arena, and this map is kinda llike it. i will DL but is it finished? and do you use team rockets as the varient?
  3. vbg17

    vbg17 Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Yes the map is playable, there just arent any weapons that spawn on it. I have only done FFA rockets but team rockets would be interesting. I changed the regular rocket variant to this; 1pt kills, +2 beatdown/assasination, +2 kill the leader, and radar with a waypoint on the leader. Nothing too crazy.
  4. Shadow_Player

    Shadow_Player Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    why dont you change the respawn settings to allow the players to have a brief period of invulnerability to avoid ppl being killed when they rarely spwan on top of one far the map the map looks good to queing and if i hav any ideas ill be sure to let you know
  5. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Count how many seconds it takes to enter the cannon and land. Now cut it in half. Now set that to the invulnerability time. Hitting someone midair is nearly impossible, but you still need to make people killable from below if someone aims right.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    You should make the walls around it higher so that people cant rocket jump out of the level...

    unless i am misunderstanding.
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Hah, cool idea using the spawn drop. Nicely done. Touch it up, though, once those juices come back.
  8. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    This is amazingly fun to play with the modded Instant Spawning gametype. We played it with starting weapon set as shotgun last night, and I have to say that this was an instant classic. Keep up the good work!

    Do you have any plans on making a bigger one? We played it with 5 players last night and sometimes it was a little too crowded.
  9. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    I did this to one of my maps and i think it turned out pretty good.
  10. vbg17

    vbg17 Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Well as far as invulnerability on spawn, if you can hit someone with a rocket while both of you are flying through the air I never want to play with you because you are too good ;) And with shotguns you might be able to damage then while in flight but never kill them.

    And my example in the first post might be misleading because it is rare that the people spawning into the map get killed. Usually its the person that is inside that has no idea its coming that dies lol.

    I have also left radar on because that only adds to the chaos. Nothing like freaking out because that little red dot is approaching your 6 to turn around fire and have him land on the other side of the map. Also the reason I put waypoints over the leader.

    To answer the question about rocket jumping out of the level I have no problem with it. Because it is fairly easy to get back in, you cant really do anything outside because again shooting someone when they spawn is nearly impossible, you cant win from the outside, and some of the walls are hard to clear with the mancannons as it is.

    I havent thought of making another one yet because my groups are always small. I have played it with 7 people and thought that was the best. (If you actually were able to reload you rocket launcher you were doing spectacular lol) But if you would like me to make a larger one for you I could but not on foundry. That is about the biggest I think I could make it because of how far the mancannons launch you.

    Oh and keep the suggestions and comments coming.
  11. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    i love original ideas such as this one. looks awesome. i really don't like rockets because it gets too crazy. i'll try shotguns first.
  12. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Okey, is it okey if I give a shot at making a tad larger one in Foundry? I certainly won't take credit for the idea.
  13. vbg17

    vbg17 Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    feel free. and if you want add me. My gts are vbg17 and mykdisbetter. I could help or even just play.
  14. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: Incoming!! A new spawn system makes for interesting results

    Will do, my gamertag is gorebound just so you know.
  15. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Re: Incoming! (New spawn system)

    If it's like you say where the ppl inside get shot from the spawning ppl wouldnt it be better to make the respwan ppl do no dmg for X secs instead of invunerable
  16. vbg17

    vbg17 Ancient
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    Well no because I am trying to go with a chaotic feel. I dont think this map would last long for the super competitive. Which is why my group likes it so much. I have skill levels ranging from about a 40 down to maybe a 15-20. So with rockets and a waypoint over the leaders head it gives everybody good shot at winning.

    But if you havent tried it yet you really should to see how it works. This map fits well in between just a fun minigame that requires some skill and alot of luck and a competitive game like swat.

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