Artifice, Prodigy and Eviction.

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Blaze, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    What’s up fellow forgers! I’m back with another bundle of maps. Eviction, Artifice, and Prodigy.


    Eviction. Best fit for 8–10 player This urban style asymmetrical based on Erosion is set up for Flood, Team and FFA Infinity slayer, King of the hill, Oddball, and One Flag CTF.


    Extra pictures:





    Artifice. 2v2/3v3 symmetrical map floating in the sky of Impact, set up for Infinity slayer, King of the hill, Oddball and CTF.


    Extra picture:





    Halo 4 Forge Maps - Artifice - YouTube


    Prodigy. Asymmetrical 3v3/4v4 and 5 person FFA map inspired by maps like Hang’em high, Longshore and halo 4s complex. This map plays Flood, Team and FFA classic slayer, King of the hill, Oddball and Regicide all with classic weapon pick-ups.

    See what Organite said about it in ****’s picks. Here


    Extra pictures:




    Halo 4 Forge Maps - Prodigy - YouTube

    Feedback is more than welcome. Thanks for taking a look.​

    Special thanks to the countless testers of all these maps. You know who you are. To Mr. pokephile for collaboration with me on artifice when I was too lazy to finish it. :p And to Fenix Hulk fr the beautiful pictures. :)
    #1 Blaze, Jan 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man Forgehub is kind of dead today. So I guess I'll be the first to comment! Might I say, these maps are very well made, unique, and very different from one another (I like the idea of having one on each forge canvas by the way). I particularly like Artifice and Prodigy, Artifce looks like something out of campaign From a previous Halo and Prodigy has cool little details and intricate base design.

    I would love to get some games on these and provide you with feedback but no one can do that unless they happen to know your proper Gamertag ;) You need to change the gamertag from BlazeIsGodly to Whos Blaze.
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    All of these look outstanding! Especially Eviction. I love Erosions feel and you seemed to use the natural geo very well.
  4. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    This might seem like a silly thing to give praise over, but I love the idea you had on Artifice to use those big Dominion screen pieces to simulate/replicate a light-bridge. That's definitely a concept I'm going to have to use in a map of my own at some point.
    #4 Sup3rNo7a, Jan 26, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2013
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Artifice is meh. There are parts of the map that feel like unnecessary appendages (needler platforms, gravlift areas). A team in the lead could also hide there relatively easily. I do like the rock area, although I think adding a route between the bridges near the center of the bottom of your picture would be nice.

    I liked Eviction's layout - it was new and refreshing. My only concern is that because of the way you have initials set up, the campfire area won't receive much traffic. A power weapon there or moving the nearby team (forgot which)'s spawns there would be cool. There was also a dropdown at the edge of the map which began with a long ramp - if you could make it more obvious that that area was a dropdown and not a ramp, that would be great.
  6. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think these all look like really good map layouts but I think the weapon placement should be changed. I feel liek there are too many and there are a lot that are close together
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Artifice updates:
    - Several Minor bumps due to shifting glitch
    - Removed beam rifle
    - Added Grenade refuel in place of Beam rifle
    - Lowered crate jump
    - Added alcove in bottom mid for cover

    Thread updates:

    Added video for artifice.
    Halo 4 Forge Maps - Artifice - YouTube

    It might be because I decided to post it so late in the day. :p I was trying to make these 2 completely different maps in size style weapons etc to show that I'm a jack of all traits. Haha. I'm glad you like the look of them. Now you've got to play them too, how did you liked them the little bit you've played?

    Thank you. I hadn't noticed about the gametag but it's fixed. :)

    Thank man. How did you like the gameplay? We played it with 2 extra people on the map so it was a little cluttered but still you could kind of get the feel.

    Small changes will be made to this map in the future too. Hammer and ghost will be replaced and maybe laser. And one minor frame rate loss through a window.

    Yeah man absolutely use it in your map. I would like to see more maps with it. Artifice actually started out as just that light bridge then I designed the map around that. :)

    Those 2 areas definitely could not me camped in. The needler area is definitely the most exposed area with little cover. The reason being is that it has the longest line of sight. And the man cannon area has little cover and the fastest way to get out will leave you exposed in the air unless you use the tac jump to get from the mancannon to the higher part of the lane which you can see in the video. I'll have to get you in on a few games for sure.

    Thanks. The campfire area has the ghost as it's power weapon though will most likely receive changes. Oddly though, that area is used quite a bit as an escape route, flank, and especially in flood. The drop down being a ramp is so when you go down it you can see down into the tunnel as well as use it as a tac jump back up.

    Thank you for taking the look, I'll be changing some things up definitely.

    Weapon balance due to risk vs reward and directional influence is one of my strongest points Though I've been getting that comment a lot lately before people play the maps. You'll have to play it first but just so I know, which do you feel are the weapons that won't work out well?

    I also have a theory. Depending on the size of the map, line of sights and area of weapon placements you won't want want to pick up more than one power weapon. For example, on the towers of prodigy you won't want to give up a midrange weapon to have a sniper and a shotgun because most of the encounters will result in you either giving up your height advantage because you are seen first or be a midrange encounter.
  8. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I felt like this was may favorite of the map pack, though I wanted more routes to the very top and felt like jet packs were a little too powerful because of it. That's really my only criticism, I really enjoyed this map. I like maps that are easy to traverse because they allow for better flow overall, all the jumps were smooth as well as the set paths. Overall, I would highly recommend this map to those who are skeptical.


    Let me first preface this by saying, you have truly achieved a ruined city vibe. The theme of this map is very convincing and it's done so well that it doesn't just feel grungy because it's on Erosion. That being said, I felt like this was the weakest map in the pack (not saying it is bad by any means). For no reason other than I felt the gameplay was good but not outstanding or different. You mentioned this was also a flood map so that may cater more to flood than slayer, which is all that I've played to be fair. Like I said, not bad but not outstanding either.


    Now this is a hit or miss for me, I personally love the bases and wished there was more indoor engagements. It became more of a cross map fight, which is probably what was intended. I didn't feel it was a bad decision, I did feel that I was wanting more than just long range fights, I wanted to see the bases completely utilized. I feel like it's an awesome snipers map but beyond that, the DMR reigns supreme and traveling across map is not encouraged. It's possible and can be useful, but not encouraged. I actually like the Binary Rifle as a central weapon because it's probably the most useful power weapon on the map and it gives a good reason to leave the base. I felt the two bases were well balanced, I did not see any particular advantage to either side, which is awesome since it's an asymmectirc layout. Overall, I like this map a lot but I feel like DMR is a necessity (Halo 4's fault really). If I ever play a game of snipers though, I'm loading up this map.

    Great job on these in general, there was not a bad map in the mix. Now, I need to get you to play a proper 2v2 on my map for feedback, instead of a hectic FFA with not so great spawning ;)
    #8 Urban Myth, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thanks very much for the long reply on each. I'm glad you've enjoyed the maps. The few flaws you've pointed out, I completely understand. The DMR is absolutely the dominate weapon on mostly all maps but it is noticeable on prodigy, though if you want to play with other weapons you can as long as you adapt your play style and move in certain paths, The jetpack works really well on artifice and Eviction definitely is catered to flood and objectives but if we would have played a few less people, it would have worked a little better. :)

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