Caustic 2.0

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Shadowcat AZ, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Hey all, Here is my map Caustic, that I originally made for the Forgotten Treasures contest, but did not get to edit it and submit it before the end of the contest, but now it is done and I am subitting it for your approval.
    Many of the suggested fixes to the map have been done, and trying to hold on to the original design, as well as add a few unique touches that the Erosion pallete has, I think it turned out well.

    It will support Slayer variants, SWAT, Regicide and Oddball. Check it out and feel free to leave me any comments you have.

    First pic is a redesign of the sniper tower, as well as adding a larger structure for asthetics.


    Second pic shows the Banshee spawn, minus a Banshee, with more cover.


    Next pic is an addition of cover to the tower area.


    And the last is a redesign of the round ramps leading to the tower area.

    #1 Shadowcat AZ, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay you updated no but really this is a huge improvement over what it was before, figgin sniper tower btw looks way better than that prefab piece. Don't feel bad about the contest as far as I can tell they didn't even look at my ascension remake.
  3. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    No worries, I rarely get them done in enough time to get them entered. You think it looks better? I will have to upload it to the Hslo4 standard maps section then! Thanks for the positive feedback, I really did like your version too. All nice and sunny and bright.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya man it looks great i love your ramp up to large tower central floor way better looking than mine lol i might have to go change mine just to compete on that aspect, the banshee pad is a really unique peice although idk you don't want team 3 to be able to camp there for a multi team game, i think the default piece gave ample enough cover but i'll have to play and see, and omg yes sniper looks way way way way better just makes the map feel more like Ascension when you make a tower like that.

    Thanks btw for the compliment yeah that was a 1st week h4 hey i'll make ascension it'l be coolz lol if you ever wana play or need a tester just hit me up i check here almost every day.
  5. TheRamshankle

    TheRamshankle Promethean

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  6. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Thanks for the compliment! I will have to DL your map before I give you any feedback. I love working with the Erosion pallete, and I am working on a big team map on Erosion right now, hopefully will get it done soon!

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