Keystone "This colorful battleground in Requiem Coastal Zone 08 serves as a Foundation for Spartan Combat Training while on Requiem." Ravine provides a beautiful canvas and I knew I wanted to bring back my designs from Reach and improve upon them, so with many hours of comparisons and refinements, I present to you my first public version of Keystone. As always, all gametypes, 16 players, and boat loads of nostalgia are supported. Feel free to leave any comments/feedback/suggestions but more importantly download and have a great time playing Everyones favorite polygon! Turret to Mid Turret to Turret Mid to Cyan Cyan looking Across Red Base - 1 Gold Base - 2 Blue Base - 3 Green Base - 4 I hope yall like my version of Foundation, I wanted it to be colorful, memorable and tons of fun. I love forging and love making remakes, but make no mistake I do it for you, the community. Enjoy, Nick
This is by far the best Foundy I've seen. Not only does it stay true to the original, it actually has an evolving look to it. To me when remaking a map the two most important aspects are 1:1 gameplay and scale, along with evolving aesthetics. If Foundy was to come out now, it could potentially look something like this, hence it feels like an evolution rather than just another gimped remake watered down by Forge elements. Excited to play this tonight, trying to do customs on some Halo 2 maps and this will be added to the rotation.
It's just what you heard on XBL back then, guess it just stuck all these years later. Haha. Zanzi, Locky, etc. There were a few. Was this really post worthy, lol. At least give the guy some feedback.
Thanks again bud, I also now have access to Halo 2 Vista for my forging, so I made sure that I was true as much as I could have been to the original. I am really happy with the aesthetic as well, I love the way that I could so easily incorporate the colors into the arena, really easing the confusion that Foundation can bring