Saw this just when you posted it. I really wish I had gotten more games on this, as I have heard great things and have had a blast playing on it when I did. I wish I could've been there in the lobbies you'd held. I'm really looking forward to what you and Mock have in store for the next few years. Another amazing map, shoe and mock!
I pretty much had the same thoughts. You guys seem to consistantly pump out amazing BTB maps, I'll have to DL and take a look to try and learn why I cant make even a darned 4v4. I wish our time schedules worked out more often, I do ejoy joining your lobbies so much.
Yay! Easily among the best custom BTB maps in Halo 4 so far, and it easily stands with the best of Reach as well. Good work Mok and Shew. "Big Freeze" (Competitive) - YouTube
I'm a big fan of this map, really well done guys! I really like the visual size you gave the interior structure. Awesome job making it look so big and still giving it a well covered interior. I prefer spawning outside and grabbing the Wraith, using the Wraith on this map brings back memories of Reach Definitely one of my favorite big team maps that I've played including maps made in Reach. Great job Mock and Shoe!
I haven't played any real team games on the map yet, but I run around the map with my kid for fun. I love the architecture you've created. You just don't get a sense that it's made of a bunch of forge objects. Instead it feels like a real, massive structure. My kid loves fighting with me on the map as long as I let him win. Congratulations on creating such a cool FHF map.
That is all the weapons. Other weapons are expected to be dropped in via infinity ordnance in slayer, but even in objective this ends up being plenty of weaponry. There is a slayer variant on my file share works best for this, as it removes some of the higher tier weapons from infinity ordnance. It's simply listed as BTB Infinity Slayer. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Added Download links for Map and 1-Flag CTF finally.