District [XIII] -by KingNobody8 This map was inspired by Traverse Town from the video game Kingdom Hearts. It has multiple levels with open rooftops. The intention with this map was to make the primary strategy to claim the highground, however there is not just one highground. There are three high sections, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The "Hotel" in on the north side is perfectly flat on top. The only cover are a few windows. You can peek through the windows to see your enemy, without risking being attacked, but they can see you too. The "Shop" on the south side has inclines and a teleporter. It is easy to hide from enemies on the other rooftops, but it is also easy for someone to sneak up on you from below. The "Pipe" on the east side is shielded from most of the other two rooftops. The sightlines into it are very narrow giving the player alot of protection. However, the Pipe has a lot of traffic and therefore may not always be the safest place to be. The "Deck" is one level below the rooftop of the Hotel, on Deck is an open window and a machine gun turret that can be used to great advantage. The "Hall" is one level below the Deck. The Hall is not very wide, but it is long. There are numerous entrances and exits to be aware of, including a teleporter to the Shop rooftop. Watch your back. There are two lifts: Green & Yellow. Green takes you up to Hotel and Yellow takes you up to Pipe. I really enjoyed making this map, and I hope you enjoy playing it. You can do a file search for "kingnobody8" or just search for the map name: "District [XIII]" Thank you. Edited by merge: Hey everyone. I know that my images aren't showing up. I am new at this. I have a PhotoBucket account, but I cannot figure out how to show the Images on ForgeHub. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Nevermind. Thank you Cheeze.
None of your images are working. You just need the link to the image itself with the image brackets around the outside of it. You're trying to combine HTML and BB together.