Dont Know What Happened to my check marked boxes for gametypes: this is a FFA only map. or a 1v1 map. This map is very pleasing to me, the map would play much better with out instant respawn and no sprint, in the gamemode i have set up there in only no sprint, Gametype is also in my fileshare. ShowCase Video: Halo 4: Forge Map: "Import" Showcase | Kazeroid - YouTube Game Play Video: Halo 4: Forge Map "Import" | Gameplay | KAZEROID - YouTube Pictures: Map Over Head View: Green Corner: Green Corner 2nd View: Blue Stairs/Telly: Grass Ally: Purple to Red Purple Room:
Very cool and aesthetic map. I like how you spent the time to go through and color all of your pieces. I really have to ask you a question about the first video. In the beginning did you just delete all of your map and then play the footage backwards?
in fact that is exactly what i did, not many people figured it out i have more videos like that on my Channel id love for you to check it out and subscribe
I can't believe I still haven't downloaded this, that changes soon. looks awesome, hope to be just as pleased when I play it
Thanks For The Great Feed Back this map was not planed, all i knew was i wanted a FFA asymmetrical Map, just started building, and went with the flow.
lol, its a editors trick, i simple go into forge on my completed map, and start deleting my objects 1 by 1, in a order that would make it look like it was being built, because if i do it randomly, just don't look right. then i take that video and reverse it and speed it up, very simple, but its adds the effect of time lapse .
looks good kazeriod, just wondering how long this one took you to build? i seem to take forever making maps, ie using the right piece for the job and texture wise i try to get it right the first time, would love to play some customs sometime, hit me up on live
This map took me about 2 hrs to build i had no plan i just went with the flow, i was just feeling that spot of the map.
this map looks really good. you easily found the coolest spot on this map to forge. the water and mist is a great feature!
Thanks man, and yeah i thinks thats the only thing i knew i wanted in this map was to use the waterfall.