[justify] What? You thought there wouldn't be another installment in the Guitar Hero franchise? You were wrong! Guitar Hero: Halo has been in the making for just under 5 years now, from testing the idea in foundry, to exploring the possibilities on forgeworld, to making it a successful singleplayer, and multiplayer minigame on Impact's vast, spacious space. Guitar Hero, though, has a main component that is missing on it's Halo counterpart. A very minor component; built-in music. Which is what makes this game, the best installment in Guitar Hero, yet. No worries on running out of music to play, or no need to spend your hard earned cash on useless DLC, all you need to do is illegally download your music to your latest smartphone, or computer, and play it in sync with the game. Don't have any of these things? Sing along to the spectacular sound of exploding fusion coils, while you ponder on what you're doing with your life. Guitar Hero is based off Guitar Hero. This is a singleplayer, and a 1V1 minigame that involves shooting rapidly moving fusion coils out of three holes in the sky before they have a chance to reach you. This minigame includes a rockbar, one of the famous icons form the original series. This rockbar slowly goes down the more notes you miss, and if you manage to do well for 30 seconds without missing a note, your rockbar will slowly regain itself. Each player has 3 lives, and after you respawn, you have a few seconds of invincibility in order to get yourself sorted out, instead of being bombarded with fusion coils off spawn. If things get too hectic, you are provided with one pulse grenade, which can be thrown into one of the three holes, and prevent any fusion coils from getting through while the grenade is still active. I have composed a few pictures for you guys below, so feel free to check them out, or possibly give the map a try. Feedback is much appreciated. Halo 4 Forge Maps - Guitar Hero - YouTube Guitar Hero: Zatherla - YouTube Fileshare Search>Gamertag>Zatherla Make sure to download the King of the Hill gametype as well as the map. [/justify]
Zath, have I ever told you that you are a complete maniacal genius? Because you kind of are. First foundry now this? Humdinger. I'm sure it's changed some since I saw it, but I had a hard time getting used the the rhythm of the fusion coils. Then again, I suck at the real Guitar Hero. Still, epic idea, and epic that you pulled it off.
Ha! This is delightful! Well done, my friend! I would say add people, be we both know how people look in forge.
Zath, I know I always came off as a bit of an arse in regards to this minigame, but that's because I miiigggghhhttt be a tad jealous. ;p But this really is genius and fun to play. Now on to bigger and better (and possibly lightly coated in cinnamon) things.
I honestly couldn't say that I know what people look like in forge. Thanks guys for the compliments, couldn't have done it without your testing.
lol good concept, mind you its easier to just play guitar hero, yeeeeeeeeooooooowwwwwwwwwwww something different i guess
This is the best introduction that I have ever seen for a map. Ever. I'm gonna go dl this. This is awesome. I never was a fan of the guitar hero series, but this is something different.
So I tried this out, and it was damn hard. I honestly didn't enjoy myself too much, but maybe it was because I played by myself. Still though, this is pretty neat.
Playing 1 on 1 is definitely more fun, in my opinion; trying to beat each other scores and such, but I still find it fun tying to best my own high score. Try it with an opponent!
I can see you guys really like that wording, haha. Tried to spice it up a little bit and do something a little different. Thanks for even noticing.
Quoting yourself in an attempt to rag on the map? That's a little narcissistic don't you think? You know, you are allowed (and expected) to leave constructive feedback on this site instead of just telling everyone how bad a job they did. If you had trouble with the game, explain why you did so they can look into it. Please don't just incorrectly spell the word "boring" and leave. Seriously dude, we expect better than that. Once again, great job on the map Zath. I am also completely horrible at it, though I'm sure I'd do better with practice. No matter what though, it was a lolworthy experience playing around and a really cool idea to pull off.
Haha, Thanks for the back up there, although I do have to side on him with the lack of replayability on this map. Unless you are being very competitive with a friend, it does lack some excitement. I should add some more explosions to fix that, though. /MichaelBay