Vehicle Properties

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by NaRu7o, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. NaRu7o

    NaRu7o Promethean

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    So, I ran a search on Google and came up with way too many results and none of them actually clearly define it. I ran a search here and didn't find anything. I need an explanation to what one of these settings really do. I understand spawn time, but does the "Team" option allow me to make it only useable by that team? As for advanced, I'll look that up later. I don't think that I need to change those yet. Basically, I'm trying to make some Warthogs and Scorpions decorative instead of functional. I know I can change the Slayer settings to prevent vehicle usage, but I want this to work without having to customise every gametype to say "No vehicles" or whatever. If I make the shape into cylinder and leave everything as 0, would that also accomplish what I'm trying to do? Or would I have to just give up and make something that resembles a car instead? And if I posted this in the wrong section, I'm sorry. I didn't see any other place that it would fit in
  2. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    If you're only going to be using vehicles for decorative purposes, a trait zone around the vehicle disabling use should work well. Just place the trait zone around the vehicle and go into Start -> Trait Zones -> (whatever callout you've set the zone to) and disable vehicle use. Just rinse and repeat for multiple vehicles.
  3. NaRu7o

    NaRu7o Promethean

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    Thank you. That makes everything so much easier. Now that I realised that, I'll just make it a huge thing and it'll cover the entire map.
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    that's what I was going to recommend too. if you don't want any vehicle use on your level, then that trait zone can cover the whole thing. if you do want some vehicles usable, then make sure that trait zone is very tightly spaced where the no-use vehicle is so that someone bumping it with another usable vehicle doesn't get pushed out of it upon bumping.
  5. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    For future reference I'll answer your other question - the team setting does nothing to vehicles.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    If you use limited trait zones (not covering the whole map) make sure to consider the possibility of the vehicle getting moved out of it, either by melee or explosives. If you're covering the whole map though, no need to be concerned about that of course.
  7. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    could he set the vehicle in that situation to be "fixed" physics and therefore not move? or don't vehicles work like that... seeing as they are meant to be driven?

    if it's a tank, a small row of jersey barriers blocking it from being pushed (fixed physics on the barriers of course) might help you
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Vehicles don't have physics settings like other objects, unfortunately.
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    yea, so I guess he'd have to create a small barrier with fixed or phased physics so that even if the vehicle moves, it's only a minute amount.
  10. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Does it change the color? It did in Reach.
    I loved making the mongeese pink and riding around in a "flamingoose".
  11. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    No, unfortunately. Just another neat little feature that was removed from the game for no real reason.

    As for getting team-specific vehicles, the only way to do something like that would be to use the Dominion Vehicle Pads and setting those to a specific team. Then only the team that pad belongs to will be able to spawn in that given pad's vehicle. Note that the other team would be able to take the vehicle *from* you once it's been spawned if they either hijack it or if you get out of it, but they wouldn't be able to spawn it in.
  12. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    One more painful question

    Ok, so I have another question along these same lines. If I place a Trait Zone over the vehicle at start of the map, and, say there are only two vehicles on the map that have Trait zones around them, is it possible to make an objective in the game that will turn off the Trait Zone for that vehicle?

    Example: Each team has a Scorpion tank at the beginning of the game, but they need to activate it to make it driveable by getting to a Objective point and deactivating the Trait Zone around it?
  13. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    You might consider using the extraction game variant and setting the advanced properties on your vehicles to have them spawn when the first site(s) are extracted. Making objects appear is possible, but at this point it seems that making them disappear from the map isn't possible, unless they are non-structural objects that are normal, can be destroyed, and are set to never respawn again. Trait zones are employed as objects but they function as zones; we can't alter them during the game with causal events. That would be great, though. It would save everyone a lot of time, especially people messing around with pressure plates, extendable bridges, sliding doors, etc. For your situation, though, if you decide to use extraction, you will probably want to find a way to create an incentive for using the newly spawned vehicles to gain points. It may be possible to increase kill points so that extraction, the game variant's main objective, hold's less weight. If this isn't possible, you may consider spawning the vehicles and pitting them against each other in a scenario where they are defending a teammate while they are trying to extract a site, which is equally available to the other team. Kind of like a tug of war and a progressive extraction game variant. When sites are extracted, their normal objects, like vehicles, also get extracted (they blow up); so that's something to watch out for.

    Edited by merge:

    You could conceivably place a copy of the vehicle outside of your map's playable area and destroy it from your position on the map, causing the desired vehicle on your map to appear, after setting the min and max counts for that type of vehicle in the advanced properties list to 2 (in your two-vehicle scenario). If you give spawn priority to the vehicles outside the playable map, and then you give second priority to the vehicles placed inside the map, the vehicles inside the map should appear when either of the copies are destroyed. Possibly...
    #13 corkystnr, Feb 21, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2013

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