Voting You nominated them. Now seal the deal and vote for them! Big Freeze Exia Memento Scythe Trapped Feel free to discuss and don't forget to vote. May the best map win, Organite
Yep, gotta go with Scythe. I've only recently gotten a chance to play it, once a few days ago and now today when I got to play it quite a bit in the community playlist, but it quickly gained the top spot in my favorite maps for Halo 4, I always just have so much damn fun on it. Really great job Paints.
Big Freeze gets mine, as it feels like its own "world" which I defeinitely prefer on maps. Nice artistic vision and execution. While other maps are "functional" this one has both function and beauty.
Trapped all the way! Who knows, I may just get 2 out of 2 videos on no 1 spot Oh yes. Trapped is the only mini game map I will play. It's awesome, fun. but not gimmicky.
Damn did I miss voting? That was too hard of a decision anyway.. I sat there debating over 2 maps and which one should get my vote. Then I can't even vote. Face is in my palm.
Paints, which one would you have voted for? I'm writing the article now and depending on your vote you may make my job easier >.<
Not sure if it still counts but I vote Big Freeze. I love the look of Memento and in a normal situation it would get my vote cause I'm in love with room based maps and pretty much all of Noooooch's maps, but unfortunately I haven't played it. Tough decision, but I'll vote Big Freeze. Noooooch where's all the invites these days? I need to play Memento nao.
Congrats. You just broke a 1st place tie. I'll only give it to you because of this. You poor bastard. :]