Introduction Greetings, from the newb of the community

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by NaRu7o, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. NaRu7o

    NaRu7o Promethean

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    Hello everyone! I just joined because I wanted to share some of my maps that I created and check out some others. I would like to put it out there that I redid Lockout/Blackout on the first night, even though I know it's been done to death by now (and someone probably beat me to sharing theirs). But a resurrected map that actually had some balance (as well as being extremely familiar) is probably what Halo 4 needs. I find that they get one sided way too easily, especially on Valhalla/Ragnorak. Another project I have on the back burner is The Pit. I have several other creations (both complete and failed) that I'll eventually put the spawn points on and share. I'll explain my forge creation of Blockout when I find the right area, I just stopped by here first to say Hi and that I'm about to read all the rules. I know most of them cause they're generic. But I don't mind going over everything to get the hidden things (like making a post longer than one sentence. that seems like it would get annoying, but still should prove useful)
  2. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Hi there. Yeah, I don't usually do remakes because someone has usually done it before me and probably did it better too. But I certainly do enjoy playing on a good remake. Hope to see some of yours in the future:D
  3. NaRu7o

    NaRu7o Promethean

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    I posted my completed Blockout already and managed to get some pics before accidentally posting it without any. I know there are some basic ways to get some rendition of them on here, but I got them from Halo 4 itself. Simple enough really and they're set to 1920x1080 so there's no fuzzyness or blur to them. Anyway, before I put a shameless plug of that program in this post, I will say again (assuming I said it before in either post) that I don't have the lines down perfectly since it was made from memory. I had a couple images and played Halo 2 once after I started (and fixed a couple things) but for the most part I'm sticking with my final version. The only thing that will change from now on are balancing issues and if need be, jumps. Balance only meaning that if someone gets too much of an advantage from the glass everywhere, I'll make them plain walls instead.
  4. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Hello, and welcome to Forgehub. Have a nice visit.

    Your profile picture is awesome
  5. NaRu7o

    NaRu7o Promethean

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    Thanks for the welcome and the compliment. I created it last night cause I was bored. That's me on Ravine and Impact as a Blue and Red respectively. You might be able to tell I get bored fairly easily and make random things.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the forum! Hope you like it here.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Hello there. Nice to see you. :)

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