I'm not completely done with the maps yet but I thought I'd offer a little tease as to what the maps are... also keep in mind -- I'm not a master forger so when they do get released, I'll want feedback on spawns, what gametypes work, if things seem fair and balanced. Most of them have been designed with a more traditional Slayer gametype in mind. So...here we go! Thermopylae: Set within the confines of a v-shaped ravine, two bases on either side face toward a central hill with various rock formations. Above the center are numerous natural ledges and man-made bridges that offer sniping opportunities as well as the danger of falling and receiving massive damage. A system of man cannons is also in place to help traverse the map with greater ease. Recommended Gametypes: CTF, Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, Dominion. Everything but Extraction should work. Screenshots: Overview: Middle: Red Base (both are identical): Stratify: Set within a UNSC research lab that is studying the natural rocks as well as Forerunner technology on the planet Requiem, there are multiple floors and buildings linked via a central platform. Buildings offer numerous entry points so as to facilitate traversing the map. Recommended gametypes: Slayer, Swat, Oddball, KOTH, Dominion, and CTF. Screenshots: Overview 1: Overview 2: Overview 3: Quantum: Set within a Fprerunner Science Lab in deep space that once studied particles and molecules and other phenomena that did not match even the Forerunner's extensive knowledge of the fundamental properties of the known universe. Numerous catwalks, buildings, cover and sightlines litter the map that looks on at two looming asteroids nearby. Recommended gametypes: CTF, Slayer, Swat, Team Snipers, Oddball, and KOTH. Screenshot: Overview/Preview (map design may alter slightly as I've a few ideas I'm bouncing around for this map):
You need a video or images, otherwise people are just going to see text and leave. There is no way to judge anything by reading this.
I updated the original post with pictures of the three maps. They should be released sometime next weekend. They would actually be out either tomorrow or the next day but events are prohibiting me from doing so. Anyway, my maps are probably not that good as this marks the first time I've tried to seriously forge maps. I'm aware that there are more than likely going to be several issues with my maps and I will fix them if I can. If people like these or see potential in my forging, even if it's the tiniest amount, I will continue to make and release maps. Anyway...hope you enjoy!