Recommended gametypes: Team Infinity Slayer, Capture the Flag, Extraction Hello everyone, I'm back to post my first map on FH since Bunker Hill on the tail end of Reach. So, what is Panic Station? Aside from being an awesome Muse song, it's also a pretty cool map. The initial idea I had for this map was to make an asymmetrical, room-based, single-atrium, 4 'hog map. I wanted to take what basically looked liked a 1v1/2v2 map, and blow it up to work with 'hogs and big team games. Of course, it was never that simple. As I designed the map, it evolved to what it is now. It keeps the feel I had wanted from the start, but obviously isn't just a 2v2 map on a big scale. A lot of time and thought was put into the design of the vehicle paths. Warthogs can go almost anywhere, and have two options of where to go at any given time, never being funneled down a path. The warthogs also get to use the upper level of the map, making for a very interesting and dynamic experience when in a vehicle. Panic Station has also turned out to be a spiritual successor of S in many ways. The gameplay is quite different, but relates back in a large number of ways. Like on S, warthogs are thought of as precision weapons. A good 'hog crew can be very effective, but the vehicle isn't quite a game changer. If your team isn't controlling the map well enough on foot, the warthog won't change that. The map's design makes warthogs very fun to drive though, and essentially provides for more exciting gameplay -whether on foot or in a 'hog- than what players enjoyed on S. The gameplay is much more varied, but because of this the balance isn't as precise. As a player on foot, Panic Station is a very interesting map to play as well. The map provides a lot of verticallity, with lots of opportunities for interesting shootouts. A player on foot always has a lot of options at his disposal. Sightlines are long at times, but very controlled. Like with everything else on Panic Station, this is by design. No matter which precision weapon you chose to spawn with, you will feel right at home. No, the DMR isn't the king of every shootout here (I'm looking at you, Ragnorak). In short, the infantry experience on the map is just as refined and enjoyable as the vehicle experience is. Panic Station was a joy to design, build and test. I'd like to thank everyone who helped in the latter. These people include MockKnizzle008, Flying Shoe ILR, Warholic, PA1NTS, and a huge list of names that I can't spout out off the top of my head, including several members of the TCoJ. Thanks guys! "Panic Station" (Competitive) - YouTube Enjoy the map!
Still looks like a backwards Panic Station to me. This was an awesome map to start off a new Halo with Duck. I think we should probably just remove Ragnarok from Matchmaking and replace it with this. No one would miss it anyway. The hogging on here is just sweet, and that fact that the hogs spawn on a delay helps teams spread out into the map more, preventing the usual immediate hog rush that sometimes works, and sometimes leads to 2 dead hogs in the first 30 seconds of the match. With the halo 4 sandbox, however, the hogs are not overpowered at all, and take a rather skilled driver/ gunner to use to their full advantage. On foot I always love running Light Rifle/ AR, though pretty much everything besides the Carbine (due to long LOS) works well on this map. Epic map man, I think we all need to arrive there more often.
This map proved that Halo 4, with all of its flaws in forge and custom options, could stand with the best that Reach's forge maps had to offer. After standing with them, Panic Stations gave most a fright so intense that they just began to pledge allegiance to this map and worship it. All that aside, i loved this map and every game made me want more. I really would love to join in on the BTB tests that you do, because all of these maps (referring to yours and the others you test with) seem incredible. Excellent work here. My only gripe would be at some of the flatness of the catwalk areas, but that is hugely overshadowed by the awesomeness the that Panic Station releases in its aura.
Duck, this is a fantastic map. Extremely well designed, great fun on any gametype. Extraction is where it really shines though. The round I played managed to capture that "halo essence" that can be somewhat lacking in Halo 4 at times. I tip my hat at thee good sir.
No offense dude, but those screenshots are absolutely disgusting. I have never been more distracted by an ugly border in my entire life. The worst. However, the map is awesomesauce.
Panic Station. It's like an MLG map built for warthogs. Pretty much sums it up right there. Love the weapon layout, height variation and vehicle pathing. Extraction is really fun, if you haven't played yet, I highly suggest it. Oh, and just throwing this out there but every map you make seems to teach me something about map design. You are wise. Keep up the good work.
This map was a ton of fun to play on. It is very big and not cluttered but the lines of sight are perfect. Vehicles are very easy to maneuver and if you do not have a vehicle it is very easy to still get to certain areas of the map particularly fast. For some reason my favorite part of the map was the rocket spawns. It just seems appealing to me for some reason.
Shoe, all puns and inside jokes aside, I appreciate it. I agree about removing Ragnorak. This would be much better in its stead, although I don't think anything would beat out a Classic Valhalla and classic gametype. I guess I never tried the carbine on here, but I sorta imagine it could be useful, albeit not as much so as some of the other precision weapons. Now that they're both finished, we can play this and Big Freeze while listening to The 2nd Law all the time. same goes to you, Mr. O-Fone. I'll be sure to invite you whenever you're on, although I don't see you on that much when I'm hosting. Still, I'm sure you'll get to play all of these maps sometime soon. As for the flatness, that's largely by design. I do wish I could have had a bit more instances of minor height variation in some areas, but alas. To Fragsturbizzle, thanks man. I was hoping we could get you in our TGIF games this weekend, but you didn't join. The game we played on here that night ended up being garbage anyway due to poor team balance and lack of people. TS, if I could quote the middle finger in your avatar and stick it up at your face I would. Go stare at The 2nd Law album cover for five minutes and then come back, *Smacks TS in the face* Thanks as well to Paints and Doc. Your comments mean a lot guys, I'm glad you've enjoyed the map.