Hello fellow 4chubbers! I wanted to wait till I had complete access to screenshots and video (KAZEROID is helping with that situation). But alas, I cannot wait much longer, I want this to be seen by public eye. So this is one screenshot, via cell phone camera (forgive the quality, for it is temporary). Think of this as a teaser until video footage is at hand. Map Name: Sturdy Player Count: 2-6 (intended for 2v2) Gametypes: Slayer/Oddball GT: o Urban Myth o (All power weapons are shown by ordinance in this screenshot, there are also some BRs, DMRs, and Carbines as well.) Sturdy is primarily for 2v2 and I cannot stress this enough. It is a small, inverse symmetric map with 3 levels, and plays Slayer and Oddball currently. Now, I do have one concern, and that is with jet pack. On one hand I feel it makes situations very unfair (in oddball mainly). On the other, this map has a good flow for jet pack users. Now which side do I favor? I cannot please all parties but I feel this may need to be addressed. If anyone has any thoughts or criticisms please don't hold back, I'm a big boy. Side note: I have to give thanks to Sethiroth for his criticisms that ultimately changed this map for the greater good. I don't think you follow FH much at all anymore but if you see this, thank you. I also have to thank KAZEROID for bringing a video and screenshot to the thread, so thank you as well good sir.
Hey you can now update your post with better screens and A Video and a bit about the map, i feel as this is a sick map, i like it cuz i like small maps one thing i would change is adding a bit more cover to the top sides of the map. other then that i like it.
How convenient, map posting is now available If anyone is looking for the complete post with video and screenshots, click the link below
Oddball anybody? Lol no but really this map is sweet thanks for showing me it the other day we need to get test / play sessions goin on all the maps
From what I can tell, this looks really interesting. I'm trying to start up a 2v2/3v3 customs lobby with Dax, and I'd like you to bring this if you can. FFC