I'm making a map on BlackOut where both teams must try to capture one neutral flag, but I can't seem to find a gametype for it or make one of my own for that matter! So my question is: Is it possible to have a Neutral CTF game?
Rep pl0x? Just maybe, surround the bomb detonation zone with shield doors and give it a 5 second detonation time(With no disarm), as to stop people from dying by putting it down.
Yea I gave you some rep for that creative idea Uhhh, not really what I had in mind but I'll consider it in the next version (This map is still very beta, lots of spawn fixes and other tweaks).
You can make a sort of neutral CTF game by using a two-flag gametype and putting both flags where your normal 'neutral' one would be. You may even be able to set the flag spawns on top of one another; I've never tried it out. You'd have to do the same thing for the flag returns, probably. Just have the teams spawn in different areas than where the return points are. That would effectively be neutral CTF, but that could be your only symmetrical gametype for that setup.