Wall Coliseum vs Station Corridor pieces

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BoBwUzHeRe1138, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    oh I wanted to say for issues about long lines of sight... seems like you can't make a map like that anymore in Halo because of one thing... the DMR. If only BTB had a BR loadout only playlist so long lines of sight weren't an issue. But even that can't be done because then you have to choose the loadouts for the gametype which you only get 5, that means not everyone will get to use their armor ability since there are more than 5.
  2. Baykon Bits

    Baykon Bits Forerunner

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    Well think of it this way. Bungie didn't update much at all in Reach, not just Forge. They were trying to hand the franchise over, and not much got fixed. When 343 got the game fully in their control, they didn't go for fixing the minority favorites, they wanted to fix the core game itself. 343 has Certain Affinity make their maps the same reason every company hires a contractor, they don't have the manpower, time, knowhow or resources to do it themselves.

    The whole exp per playlist system in Halo 3 didn't even come out until over a year had passed. Nothing like that happened in Reach because there was simply nobody THAT involved for a long enough period of time to do anything as drastic. Eventually, the problems people have will slowly start disappearing. Obviously not all of them, things like AA's and no visible rank are something they simply chose to do/not do. But mark my words, forge will see a pretty big update at some point. If they don't, they better have at least some sort of mass update to the other aspects such as custom options.

    This is their first game on their own. It was a huge task to take on, so I'm letting Halo 4 slide. They still have Halo 5 before I lose interest. If they don't get 5 right, I'm out.

    Sorry if off topic lol.
  3. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Well I should have enough I think for about one gridspace using station corridors (or station ramps rather). It's supposed to be a rectangular map like Assembly/Midship/Zealot/Wizard but without copying the structures. It's just akin to those.

    As for a bridge across the asteroids....You'd probably have to be clever. Using wall pieces and the pre-built small asteroids to create some rocks on the map....

    Maybe a slight valley? Almost like an inverse of Valhalla? Or a map similar to Gephyrophobia...

    Also to get rid of the DMR and stuff, can't you place a trait zone around the whole map and force players to use certain weapons in there or no? I'm not sure how it works...

    We just need a community rule set for the closest to classic Slayer (AR.Magnum and BR/Magnum variants) and same for classic CTF. It's easy making the magnum useless but it also makes melees useless as well meaning the carrier has almost no way to defend himself except via assassinations)

    Anyway...thanks for all the help... I'll differentiate th efloor a bit but I wanna get the base/foundation done so I can start building and then go back through and go "alright...a darker piece of flooring here might be cool" and so on.
  4. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    If you use station ramps as the floor, it wont break the lighting as fast, and I think it is more efficient then wall colliseums. Don't quote me on that though.
  5. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    The flat backside of Ramp XL's also works well for smaller areas, and has an interesting look to it.
  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    for me in particular, I'm making two maps which need hallways... and not just small ones. I've used up all of my inclines, bridges, and blocks and must use decoratives and impact pieces for enclosing spaces.

    does anyone know whether the decoratives like Brace Large and Walkway Cover are incredibly framerate intensive? Keep in mind I am only making hallways out of them so only a few pieces are visible at a time.

    The Impact station corridors and Ramps seem to cause framerate issues even when you aren't looking at the window pieces... so I'm trying to eliminate some of those and use the decoratives instead. But that may be a bad strategy. IDK.
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know this and I did use it, but it still takes you a lot more effort to get that first one perfectly flat than to just do it by using precision editing. But thanks for the help anyway :p
  8. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Which was why having one really large and diverse forge world was able to carry forgers for the entire life cycle of Reach.
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    They didn't make a big ForgeWorld for Halo 4 because you can't with Dynamic Lighting. So they chose to have Dynamic Lighting over a large Forge map and split it into 3 smaller ones. Whether that was the right decision or not I suppose is a matter of opinion. I do miss ForgeWorld and it really had a magick feeling to it when Reach came out, but it also probably would cause Halo 4 tremendous lag much more so than Reach. I don't know if Certain Affinity would be creative enough to make a large ForgeWorld anyway. They don't know how to make a good terrain for forge maps, so I can only imagine how a ForgeWorld would be.
    #29 Starship Ghost, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  10. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    station corridors are ok to use if there are only like 4 areas of map where you use them, but by far the collasiam wall is a much better piece for using as floor as far as its size goes, shame in this game the grid is 35 x 35 and a big collasiam wall is 10 x 11.8, stupid sizeing when in reach they were 10x12, lots of pieces in halo 4 are slightly smaller than in reach. anyone agree?
  11. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Forge World 2.0 consisting of: a skinny S curve that barely can be built inside of, a plateau with a bunch od ditches and potholes because why not, a small Forerunner platform, a small hangar, a floating island with waterfalls coming down it that you can only build on one side of.... lol I'm kidding. I'm sure C.A. will get better. Their maps are already more memorable and better than Reach's but their Forge maps are indeed lacking. I'm sure we'll get better ones in Halo 5..
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like dynamic lighting, but I like a large forge world with diverse areas to forge on much much more...
  13. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I do agree mostly, ForgeWorld had that Halo magick. I don't believe Certain Affinity has the skills to make a nice ForgeWorld though. For starters they don't even like big maps with flat nice terrain to forge on. They prefer to clutter the terrain in an odd way making it small with many hills, and highly difficult to work with. Their terrain on the 3 maps we got now, especially Erosion, really sucks. Dynamic lighting is important because it makes the maps look way better and more like shipped maps rather than a map built by stacking blocks. All they really needed to do was make better terrain on these 3 maps and make them a bit larger so each one can have the requirements to make a BTB map using just the terrain. That is asking too much from them though. And of course I'll never understand why they didn't use forerunner palette on Ravine.

    I'd be happy with a Forge DLC that added another 3 maps with 3 new forge palettes would be great and would make up for Forgeworld, but that will never happen.
    #33 Starship Ghost, Jan 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
  14. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    Hopefully the next Halo game will be on the new Xbox console. This would most likely remove the limitations put into play by the new lighting engine due to the increase in the power of the hardware. The lighting engine is responsible for weapons disappearing fast, the game lacking large maps, and other issues. I personally don't like the trade off for the lighting engine over other more practical things but that's just my opinion. Also, I'm hoping the 3 map packs are devoted to 1. Multiplayer 2. Remakes of older halo maps 3. Forge canvases. Wether or not 343/CA will do this is yet to be seen.
    #34 Zemmiphobiac, Jan 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
  15. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    well yeah a forgeworld with dynamic lighting can probably be done on the next xbox, but as I stated before Certain Affinity doesn't know how to make a forge canvas terrain so don't think it will be as good as Bungie's. Halo 5 will definitely be on the next xbox. they already over-milked this console to hell.
  16. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Okay...Bungie's first "ultimate" Forge map Foundry confined you to a really small warehouse with premade halls and was completely impossible to make a BTB map on.

    Their next "ultimate" Forge map Sandbox allowed it but it also didn't let you use the surrounding dunes because why? Idk.

    So let's give C.A. a freaking break -- it's their first original Halo game -- the maps they designed as just normal multiplayer maps (Abandon, Haven, etc.) are better than Reach's but their Forge maps aren't up to par by Forge World's standard. Neither was Forge when it as first made by Bungie and same with the proceeding maps they made. I do not see why C.A. can't get better and learn from their mistakes. Your mistake is completely writing them off from their first game. They tried adding in things they thought would help like magnets and dynamic lighting but some didn;t quite work or make up for the missing features. The maps don't let you truly explore their spaces (like not being able to go behind the plateau in Ravine or the asteroids)

    C.A. can easily learn from their mistakes: they made a pretty great remake of Valhalla (plays a bit differently as all remakes do), made a couple other good BTB maps (I think Meltdown and Exile are great and even Vortex is pretty good), and the other maps are at least okay for the most part.

    Why you believe that a Forge World type map in Halo 5 is impossible for them to make good is really dumb IMO
  17. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Certain Affinity is not new to map making they have been doing it for years. Give them a break? nope.

    Foundry was very good to forge on...it had flat terrain you could build on. Sandbox had flat terrain you could build on...as for getting past the guardians you could do that too and even if you don't the flat terrain allows for more creativity. All Forge maps need some flat areas to forge on. You aren't making any valid points here. I didn't say it would be impossible for CA to make a good ForgeWorld in Halo 5.... I said it's not going to be as good as Bungie's if they tried, but they aren't going to do it in my opinion.
  18. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    LOL okay.

    Completely flat maps with structures in the middle get a bit boring after awhile hence why all Sandbox maps were like that except for the few that got past the guardians (which if you did so would have the annoying sound of the guardians firing at you)

    Also...when have they worked with a map that supports what Forge does? Halo 2 didn't have it, CoD doesn't have it, Halo CEA didn't really have it either. A Forge world-type map is a lot different -- you can't really go into it with the same idea as you would have for a traditional map: it needs flat surfaces, areas with hills, etc. but nothing as drastic as the little ditch on Ravine that makes it hard to forge around or the hills and cliffs on Erosion, the pre-made buildings on each map - They went into it thinking on a more traditional map-building process but they shouldn't have. I'm sure they can rectify that. If they don't then jokes on me I suppose but writing them off from being able to make a good Forge map is silly. Halo 5 will most assuredly have Precision editing again, probably tighter magnets that work better, dynamic lighting that's harder to break as well as being on larger maps, etc. They might not be as large or as good as Forge World but I'd prefer multiple environments with enough space for one BTB map (like Sandbox) that can of course be altered. FW's maps all looked the same and it got old. I love Forerunner pieces as much as the next guy but EVERY map.

    I'm sure they can.

    Edited by merge:

    Besides...hating on them -- we all get it. Forge could've been better. It also does nothing at this point to fix what they did -- at this point they know and they either A. will fix it with updates or with new Forge maps or B and more likely. Will fix it in Halo 5 provided they make the maps for it as well.
    #38 BoBwUzHeRe1138, Jan 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2013

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