I just kicked out an thread, but then i saw Oakley,s video about shmeefs. Most of you people are probally already subscribed to THFE, but for those who are not, here are the creatures, shmeefs. Introducing Shmeefs! - YouTube Some see this as stupid, some as funny, and some as both. I just want to help them spreading this. Not only on FH, and you can help too, by spreading or make your own map wich features shmeefs! This can be an aesthetic map, but maybe also featured in an theme park wich is actually playable, as noted in the video. Then you can also submit those maps on the site of THFE, here is an link! http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/99-thfe-the-halo-forge-epidemic/ All the info is in the video, so i don't need to explain much. Just watch it, discuss this cause here. (I will make this thread an little bit more summarizing, and to the point later. I don't have much time right now)
I think it's pretty cool, it would be fun to see 343i's reaction in a bulletin or something. By the way, you should probably add a link to the aesthetics forum, since that's where you can submit these maps.
If I don't forget, I think I'll put a few in my future serious maps, as a easter egg. I don't want to see a shmeef directly in my maps, but maybe far away (but possible to view). I really love the way the guy in the video use his meme in many funny ways.
not hating but... Asking to help make a meme popular is stupid. That makes it a fad, not a meme. Memes are created and rise to power through sharing and linking, not asking for people to start making ****. Still looks cool.
THFE isn't trying to make a meme popular - they're trying to gain popularity (if they didn't have enough). I don't know about you, but I'm not buying into it. You don't just ask someone to help you make a meme popular.
You should stay away from it if you don't like shmeefs, not because you don't want to help THFE since they asked you to. I can understand your reaction but purposely not helping them because they asked their subscribers is lame imo. Or at least that's what I concluded from your post.
If I felt that they were genuinely trying to do something with Shmeefs besides gain popularity for themselves then I'd be all for it. I don't think they are, so that's why I'm not doing it.
Ill probally take your advice, and later on make an shmeef submission thread. Then i can, if the creator allows, post it in the aesthetic map section of THFE. (If they dont do so themselves) I will get into more a little later, i have some ideas too. Im a little busy with my Halo 4 custom campaign... But i will certainly try to draw some attention. As for Sky and carter.. Sky, ill agree with you, but i think they don,t totally understand the meme "rules" to say so. They have found somenthing funny to create, and want to publish that. They want to involve as many people to it, by creating and publishing these halo 4 "stickfigures". I just like it and i am going to try to help them It matters not, it isnt really an problem, we will see were to this leads.
No, actually Oakley thought this was a pretty cool idea and thought it would be awesome if a lot of people started doing it. It's a bit rude to just assume that their intentions are selfish, especially when you don't know the people in the first place. As for me, it's silly but it's funny all the same. I might sneak a few in here or there, though I still prefer cones.
Poo, just wrote this and then my internet herped a fat derp and I lost it. Anyways, guys, here's the deal. Shmeefs are fun. If you like 'em, put 'em in your maps. If you don't, then don't. We're not trying to push them on anyone, although Oakley's word choice doesn't quite reflect that. Basically, we gain popularity from putting out quality maps and videos, we just like to throw in some fun every now and then. Shmeefs aren't some lame bid for popularity. Don't over think it guys, it's just for lawlz.
This is all people need to know, everyone should take this in account. I will try to update this thread in the coming days, i don't have much time to sit on the PC right now. I just want to draw some attention, help spreading this, like Oakley said. I have some ideas i want to work out with this, and probally make an shmeef submission thread. I probally have some time to do this in the coming days. I like this idea, just for fun.
Not sure if a lot of people are still looking at this thread, but here's a little gallery of Shmeefs I ended up making around the time that THFE had announced this new project. They're basically just some silly ideas I had that consist of look-alike Shmeefs, depicting certain movie and video-game characters. For anyone interested, feel free to use any of these designs in your maps, or use any kind of variant inspired by them. This was just my way in trying to help THFE jump-start the Shmeefs, even if it only helps a little: "Shmeef Gallery" - Halo 4 Aesthetic Map - YouTube
Thanks for putting that in better words. Oakley's word choice made me think it was just for getting some sort of popularity and maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'll put in some Shmeefs in a map someday.
Before you asked, I watched the video. The name is terrible, it's terrible to say, it's terrible to hear, and it's terrible to see put in writing. The meme is the single most forced I have ever encountered on the internet and I have seen a lot. I cannot support this, If there was a function such as the sage on 4chan that allowed me to post without bumping this thread and allow this torrid "meme" to be seen by more people I would take it. TLDR: NO.