You know, it's 2013! And a bunch of games will be coming out. What do you think? Some of them are: Dead Space 3 Crysis 3 Bioshock: Infinite Tomb Raider Dead Island: Riptide Gears of War: Judgement Aliens: Colonial Marines The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 GTA V Watch Dogs God of War: Ascension Syphon Filter 4 Destiny 0*10^c Dayz Standalone Which are you most excited about? Also, I'm trying to figure out which to preorder. I'm thinking about either Crysis 3 or Tomb Raider, or possibly Bioshock: Infinite. I don't have any experience with almost all of the games on the list except for Dead Space and Naruto, though, so I'm not exactly sure which to preorder. Thanks (in advance)!
The only game(s) I'm excited for isn't listed. Pokemon X/Y. I'll be following news about Gears of War judgment, but I heard it was making a turn for the worst (like the Halo 4 of GoW)
Whoops, I kinda forgot those. I'll add them now. I haven't heard of that yet. Sounds interesting. What's it called?
I believe it's called Destiny, though I don't know if that's the official name or not.
I'll be getting; Bioshock Infinite (have already pre-ordered) Watch Dogs The Last of Us GoW Ascension Aliens: Colonial Marines Dead Space 3 Possibly Pokemon Y (**** X, that deer thing looks lame) and a 3DS And a slew of other awesome games I can't remember the names of right now.
Y is the mans pokemon game, X players all lack Y chromosomes. Oh, Im also excited for Luigis mansion and Fire emblem: Awakening
G T A V AWWW YEAAH [insert manly grunting/squeeling/high pitched screaming/playing with women's clothing/aww dang it I did it again]