I've noticed a curious wrinkle of Halo 4 recently. Since there are no weapons on the maps and all weapons enter via loadouts (two classes of weapons here: primaries and sidearms) or ordnance (one class: power weapons), if you choose to use a "weird" weapon, you may seldom find ammo for it. It just depends on the game and who is in it/what weapons they use. DMR and boltshot ammo are plentiful. BR ammo or suppressor ammo, less so. I choose to run BR on a lot of maps and find myself frequently swapping it out for whatever weapon is lying on the ground - usually a DMR. To me, this somewhat lessens the effect of having a loadout. Unless you die frequently, you are funneled toward using the same weapons as everybody else. I'd like to see one of two solutions to this admittedly-minor problem: 1. Weapons dropped provide ammo for other weapons in their class or sub-class. DMRs will re-supply a BR or light rifle; ARs will re-supply a suppressor; boltshots will re-supply a magnum. I don't care that it makes no sense, it would just work better. or (option that makes marginally more sense) 2. You can no longer scoop ammo from like weapons that have been dropped - or they can make that part of that one perk where you can pick up dropped 'nades, I don't care - but the important part would be adding ammo boxes on maps. Again I'd think it might work best by weapon class or sub-. So you get an ammo box for precision weapons, or all primaries; an ammo box for secondaries; perhaps even a heavily-controlled box for power weapons. This would require a lot of thought to get right - it can't give unlimited re-supply at an infinite rate, but maybe just be able to be used every 30 seconds or something, with a clear visual indicator of when it's exhausted. Obviously both would be Halo 5 features, and based on the assumption that the weapon system will be much the same as Halo 4. Thoughts?
or, you know make maps that don't support drops, and just put weapons on the map like we have in the past
+1823832382731283287864273737273274647284293292646 Honestly, I don't even forge except machinima maps, the way they screwed the forge. I might even forge some Halo Reach stuff, some of my XBL friends still do customs there.
I'm talking about how Halo 4 works, not about the forge/customs experience alone. Not sure about anybody else but I still play quite a bit of matchmaking. It took all of two posts to get as far off topic as possible. Has to be a new record.
Ammo boxes would be a nice option. Instead of using permanent boxes though, I think it would work better if ordnance drops had "Refill 1 clip, refill 2 clips, etc." as options. That would give you a lot more control over the way the ammo shows up on map in terms of timing and frequency, and they could be used to water down random drops. Consumable boxes placed like static weapons would work too. I just think the FF style boxes would be difficult to balance, and would probably discourage map movement. As I've said before, resupplying my primary is usually the only reason for me to leave a given location on a map, thanks to PODS delivering the power weapon of my choice wherever I want it, and of course the fact that initial ordnance doesn't respawn so the only draw in terms of pick-ups (random drops) is completely unpredictable.
Very true, and it would need to be considered. But one thing that appeals to me is the idea of using ammo boxes to bring back some semblance of map flow which has somewhat evaporated due to personal ordnance. Say for example that your primary and secondary could ONLY be refilled at a few key locations (dropped weapons no longer will, at least not without a perk), and those locations are all in higher-traffic hallways and contested, neutral map areas. That could be interesting, I think; they'd function like a more low-key health pack or power-up from older Halos. I'd also prefer to keep the functionality separate from ordnance drops, just to keep those from becoming too cluttered. And if you put ammo in personal ordnance then people will feel cheated ("I wanted a power weapon and instead I got a few DMR clips") and it also negates the possibility of using it for map flow. I'm already not wild about the way power weapons can drop in your lap anywhere at all, but let's tackle one issue at a time...
That's me. And I agree with this (but I mainly use an assault rifle, and I die a lot) so this isn't too much of an issue for me, but I can see how you guys see it. I just like the way Reach was, where the weapons were just placed on the map, instead of using ordnance. Ordnance and loadouts annoy me, because now they give an advantage to people who have been playing longer (which is my main issue with Cod, the other players have better loadouts, weapons, etc. and I pretty much fail every time I try). I wish they could just make it a bit more like reach.
Orrrrrr, take the only useful support perk, the one that gives you ammo. The rest only offer small bonuses, ammo is the only one with any noticeable effect for any period of time.
Oh no, sir. I've started exclusively running grenadier + explosives and believe me, I notice a difference - and my opponents do too. I do use ammo in my BTB loadout, but in 4v4 games I don't bother with it. It also makes a difference that I play more objective games than anything else. No personal ordnance = less need for the ammo perk. If I was into infinity slayer more, I'd probably use it.
I don't like the idea of fixed locations like that. I think it would make things too repetitive. Personally I'd prefer if it were set up so that you can still pick up dropped weapons and place ammo drops as you might place DMRs in Reach or BRs in Halo 3. I think the versatility of being able to refill such a broad selection is offset by the fact that if you don't have one of them, the drop is useless to you. If it were an option for ordnance, I would want to use it on initial drops with 60-90s respawns. That would mean having reliable sources of ammo for any loadout gun, but still requiring movement and preventing parties from holding ammo boxes indefinitely. I mean you could put a cooldown timer on it and ****, but a respawn timer would achieve the same end within the framework that's already laid out. As for the clutter, I would assume that the waypoint would be scaled to the value of the drop, so it would only show up if you were within a few feet or something like that. As far as perks go, I think explosives is pretty comparable to ammo. They're definitely the only two I use.
Good quality game design........ Even in BTB it can be hard to find DMR ammo with the random sometimes instantly weapon despawns. If you don't have ammo and can't find any(since no designated ammo on map) you have to: Die, Wait near ally to die, Fight enemy with fists. Not really ideal situations. They had something like that in Halo 2 campaign, Can't remember exactly how it worked but I think it was just limited source of ammo for human weapons only. Also had rocket ammo boxes in halo games so they have the ability within the coding to make specified ammo boxes. Not sure why it hasn't been included specially in forge because I've always wanted that in forge. Giving people access to ammo without giving them access to the actual gun would be amazing.
That's pretty much what I do, since I'm absolutely horrendous at aiming. But I really hate the fact that there is little ammo, because when I actually start doing good, I run out of ammo. Doesn't matter to me much, but I see how this is a problem.
I wouldn't mind a generic "Ammo" drop being added to ordnance (like how grenades are sometimes available), that when you call it in and you go to pick it up, it refills the ammo for both of your weapons (regardless of what they are). Other than that, the only thing I would prefer would be for weapons to just not despawn as quickly as they do now.
That's a good idea - that would be valuable if you had a decent power weapon going, although it could get a little extreme with snipers. Maybe it wouldn't be the best PODS drop for that reason, along-side the ammo perk. I think it would be nice if they added a new type of ordnance drop altogether. Ammo drop, preferably with a timed respawn with options of all of the guns in the sandbox and categories like; precision primaries, automatic primaries, secondaries, mid-tier PW, top-tier PW, UNSC, Covey, Promethean, all. It would basically be a repaste of the code for initial ordnance with the categories tacked on, and a little bit of code to make it so you can't pick the gun up, but you can still soak the ammo out of it. Probably be lucky to see it in Halo 5 though, much less Halo 4. (A side-note; if they really wanted to go all out and impress me, they could do all of that, and give it eight slots with an option to toggle between random and sequentially labeled. And on initial weapon drops too, actually. Can you imagine being able to have the power weapon spawns slowly migrating around a map by being in progressively lower slots? That would be sweet! But I digress..) Edit: Wait, if you disable weapon pick-up, do can you still suck ammo out of guns if you have the same one and room for ammo? Can trait zones disable weapon pick-up? If those were both 'yes' (which I doubt) then it's feasible you could make some sort of wall-mounted ammo dispenser rig, but it could be tricky. Raising it off the floor along with the trait zone would help though. But I don't think you can disable weapon pick-up that way, can you.. The worst is when you respawn looking directly at it, walk over to it and watch it disappear just before you get into range for the prompt to grab it. Despawns are brutal. I would much rather they let weapons stay in play until they're empty than constantly shelling the arena with canisters full of rocket launchers. Then they can be treated as pieces in a chess match, and not a power-up pellet in pac-man.
I mentioned this problem in the thread about personal ordnance, and I'm still annoyed at the problem now as much as I was before. With my playstyle, I run out of ammo far too quickly. I run a BR loadout with Resupply and Dexterity, and often pick my fights and shoot long range, away from any dropped weapons. Too often I run out of ammo and am disadvantaged because I have to try and win a fight by spamming with my secondary, just because there's absolutely no way of receiving more ammo. If I'm lucky, I can scavenge a DMR, but I hate that weapon with a fiery passion and don't see why I should be forced to use a particular weapon to gain the same advantage as my opponent.