I'm a huge fan of small maps. While I have a queue full of standard-size forge maps I often create 2-4 player maps myself as they seem less common. Stellar is inspired by an old Halo 2 Xbox custom that I've long since forgotten the name of. It's been remade and renamed by myself several times over, and aside from the most basic of principles it's no longer recognizable against the original map (wish I could remember the name, I played the heck out of that map). It's not my best creation, but it plays well and is usually in the Saturday night gaming rotation. Right now the map has traditional weapon spawns, but I may change it to ordnance as it can pretty much do the same thing. It's not up on my file share yet as I'm not done with spawns. Spawn cam view Top-down view Close up of lower level structure. There's a man cannon in the center, and one at the end of each "arm" Close up of one of the top-level structures
The pathways seem to be quite small and not really allow for much movement or evasion during DMR fights. You should also add some ramps from the bottom of the map to the top. Just having mancannons to travel from floor to floor will really break up the map and keep all of the fighting to occur on one level. It might also be a good idea to add railing around the whole map. BTW The Cerulean map is my favorite out of your three new maps.
Thanks for the comments. Admittedly we outlaw the DMR for most of our Saturday night matches, but that's definitely something I should consider in my next map.
It's the xbox map that was taken from campaign off the heretic level. At least this is what it reminds me of, any feedback I had was posted above lol. Try using wall double on it's side nOt bridges or 2x2 flats they look good.
it looks nice. about railings, flipping those bridges over would certainly do people a favor, but it's your map and you know whether you want to noob-safe it or punish people for not paying attention to walking in the right direction. personally MP games are too safe from falls these days. remember old-school shooters where you had to actually pay attention to your stride? Don't want to die? Don't go over the freakin' edge! But that's up to you on what you're trying to do. Only other suggestion I was going to make was to put a large platform or something in the center where the mancannon is. It would obviously ruin the mancannon's use, but would break up LOS between the three catwalks. Perhaps you can figure out something to replace/relocate that mancannon if you went this route. overall I like the unique architecture.