Entity 2-8 Players (2v2 Recommended) Forged By: ThrowinSomeBows Suggested Gametypes: Oddball, KoTH, Slayer This map is currently in its testing phase. A test version can be found in my fileshare. GT: ThrowinSomeBows **NOTE** When taking these pictures, the lighting was generated when it shouldn't have. In game the middle atrium is lit up due to delaying the roof's spawn. There are no shadows in the Middle atrium during game. Only red room, Green room, and the rock tunnel are darkened areas. OS Spawn Rest of Pics Spoiler Overlooking Mancannon from Top Mid (Red side) Overlooking Sniper Spawn/Tele to Red from Top Mid (Blue side) Tele to Blue Sniper Spawn/Red Tele View of Red from Blue Cave Overlooking Mancannon side from Top Mid (Blue side) Overlooking Sniper side from top mid (Red Side) Red Room/Spawn Blue Room/Spawn Green Room.
So, if you delay the roof spawn, the rooms dynamic lighting is not activated? So does this help with a map that has exceeded the "dynamic lighting budget"? Map looks cool btw.
Yes, basically the lighting is generated before the object spawns so it shows up like it would with the lighting glitch (doesn't cast a shadow). I dont think delaying object spawns will help if you have the glitch but it could be worth a try.
For some reason I'm having trouble visualizing the layout, but I like the overall feel. I'll have to get a better look at it in-game.
Agreed - there's no overview. Map does look good, though. As for gametypes, what kind of Slayer do you want this to played on? (Infinity, something with + movement options, NIR?) I'll try to get a couple games on this and see what happens
I've mainly played it on default infinity slayer because I'm trying to get a feel of how it'd play in MM. There's still no word on what the settings will be like, but I have a feeling it'll be similar to the other playlists. This actually kept me from using normal weapons (wanted 0 spare clips), because I assume they wouldn't accept a map that doesn't have ordinance drops. I had to change my planned weapon layout for this as well, can't have two snipers :/. With that said, by all means play with whatever settings you like. It should be flexible enough considering the game type I've been using has instant respawn/sprint/PoD etc.
Looking at picture number 7, it looks like you have small antennas inside the blocks, is that on purpose? or is it something that you needed to take out? Otherwise, it looks like a very clean Forge and I will give it a DL to see it up close!
have you tried phasing the mancannon into the floor fully or mostly so that you can just walk over it and be launched? Does that give you the distance you need? Otherwise, flipping it upside down and phasing may give you the same distance you currently have. those bits that poke out from the mancannons is really annoying for forgers, don't ya think?