Tower Defense Beta The map is incomplete however the gametype and map for this version is available on my Fileshare for those who are curious about how exactly this plays. Gamertag: CodyCero635 Okay... Now first and foremost, this map is no where even close to complete but I felt that I should get this preview out. So what exactly is this? Well... My aims for this map is to create a map that functions a lot like this. Tower Defense is a game where the player has to place deployments around a path to prevent waves of his opponents in their attempts to reach and attack his tower. The player can select what deployment he wants to place and where he wants to place it. Each deployment functions in it's own way to help kill the enemies on the path. Some are [SIZE=2]us[SIZE=2]ed to slow[SIZE=2] or stop [SIZE=2]them in the[SIZE=2]ir tracks[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] while others attempt to gun them down. [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Th[SIZE=2]e map uses[SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]the Haloball gametype al[SIZE=2]ong with a very complex [SIZE=2]system of mechanics to achi[SIZE=2]eve [SIZE=2]the[SIZE=2] Tower Defense gamepl[SIZE=2]ay. And a very important thing to keep in mind is that because of the mechanics of the [SIZE=2]map, the [SIZE=2]Hal[SIZE=2]oball scoring [SIZE=2]system cannot be used [SIZE=2]as a deciding factor on who wins the game[SIZE=2]. [SIZE=2]The map is not actually "playable" in it's current state [SIZE=2]however I will be covering [SIZE=2]how [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]the "control room operator" [SIZE=2]interact[SIZE=2]s with the [SIZE=2]still incomplete control system that I have set up. [SIZE=2]Red team [SIZE=2]Overview:[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Control room o[SIZE=2]perator Image Guide[SIZE=2]~~~ [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]If [SIZE=2]you spawn in this room[SIZE=2]...[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Exit th[SIZE=2]e room and go through this teleporter. [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]If you spawned up here or went through the teleport[SIZE=2], this is where you'll be.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]When up there, walk over this Ass[SIZE=2]ault Rifle to pick it up (Very important) [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]After picking up the [SIZE=2]Assault [SIZE=2]Rifle, walk over t[SIZE=2]he [SIZE=2]hole in the floor[SIZE=2] here. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]While standing over the h[SIZE=2]ole, press Rig[SIZE=2]ht bumper to pick up the plasma pistol. You will drop t[SIZE=2]he Assault Rifle into the hole[SIZE=2], which will activate some[SIZE=2] mechanics. [IMG][/IMG] (The Assault Rifle might not always land correctly) [SIZE=2]Wait for th[SIZE=2]e wall in front of you to dis[SIZE=2]appear... [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]After the wall disappears, shoot the crate [SIZE=2]that is partially visible[SIZE=2]. [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]Go through[SIZE=2] the teleporter to go back down below to the bottom of tower. [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]If it all worked out correctly, the deployment [SIZE=2]should now be placed.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]Before deploying[SIZE=2] - [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]After deploying - [IMG][/IMG] [SIZE=2]Blue T[SIZE=2]eam[SIZE=2] Overview: [SIZE=2]The [SIZE=2]Blue team basically can't [SIZE=2]do anything at the moment, they just s[SIZE=2]pawn in.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
Haha, this is so complicated, yet so cool at the same time. Just goes to how how limitless the Insane gametype is. I can't wait to see if you manage to make it playable, I may just switch my 4 disk for Reach . Oh why can't 343 implement this gametype.....