So I'm trying to finish a BTB/CTF-type map on Ravine (with standard Infinity Slayer and CTF game-types in mind), but I'm having trouble determining the rate at which the various weapons (ordnance) and vehicles I'm putting on the map should respawn. At the moment I have: 2x - Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost, and Banshee (1 at each base) 1x - Mantis (middle of the map) 2x - Sniper Rifle and Shotgun (1 at each base) 1x - Spartan Laser and Incineration Cannon (neutral locations between each base) Knowing that, around what times should these things respawn? Alternately, what rate do you or others usually set their weapon and vehicle respawns for, and what sort of results have you had?
2 minutes for the warthogs. 1 minute for the mongooses. 1 or 2 minutes for the ghost - your call. I would lean toward 2 because ghosts can be kind of nasty in this game. 3 minutes for the banshees and the mantis. 2 minutes for all the weapons but the laser, which should probably be 3. Those spawn times are pretty typical for BTB maps and those weapons/vehicles.
This was a good question! Could someone say good times for weapons on a small, Lockout/Guardian type map? Sniper Shotty Sword Railgun Needler DMR BR AR etc. No vehicles for these types of maps but yeah.
Any of those would work. Pretty much anything would work in moderation. The only thing that wouldn't work is a laser, because it's oriented only towards vehicles. But I think you get that.