How do you get an oddball to explode? I'm making a Hot Potato map and I can't seem to figure out how. I also can't seem to make my map have more than one oddball at the start of the game. Thanks.
I don't think you can make them explode in Halo 4.....could be wrong but I think it's one of the features they took out...
You can in fact make hot potato, though I can't quite remember how. I was making a dodgeball concept using this. If no one else answers your question, I'll PM you once I go on and look into it. Try asking MockKnizzle, he has a three ball version.
I imagine it would involve grifball with multiple balls, and reduced/no player damage so that people can't kill each other.
@Eculc I know what Hot Potato is, and I know what I want to do with it, I just don't know how to make it.
Hot Potato settings are in fact still there, hidden under some sub-menu that I can't be bothered to get the exact name of at the moment. I've even made a gametype using the hot potato settings already. As for more balls not spawning in, it might be a good idea to go into the advanced options of the capture plates in forge and change the spawn sequence number for each additional plate.
I got an answer from MockKnizzle. Thanks everyone! If anyone's curious, both settings are available under game options when you start up a custom game