Halo had some of its greatest days back in Halo 3 with all the amazing gametypes. Anybody remember Amazing Bomb? How about playing other revolutionary gametypes such as Asset, Conquest, Territory Defense, Tremor and Mice? Some of the best times I had on XBL were these gametypes, and I feel like each step forward Halo makes, great custom games like this fade away... Does anybody have a gametype or idea they think would be the next revolutionary game?
I've been trying to think of something but I always end up at dead ends. I remember playing Asset but I can't remember the actual game. Could you exlain the gametype to me?
It was a VIP variant where the VIP team was the ODSTs, the Asset was Virgil the Engineer, and the other team were covenant, and you had to protect the VIP until a hornet/warthog/whatever spawned, then at the point us it to take him to the destination and score. I agree H3 was undoubtedly the best Halo ever for customs. Even though Reach and maybe even H4 have more customization options, there was something magic about H3 that made amazing custom game ideas come to life. Maybe because the customization was so limited, it made the creative stuff stand out more. I miss H3... so much.
Ah, Halo 3 definitely had the best custom games. I spent 60% of my time in customs, there were so many cool and fun gametypes (like you said Asset: I remeber playing that a ton on Sandbox) and Drive or Die. Even this map (Don't remeber the name of map and GT) that had two elephants in the air and the humans spawned on them and rained rockets down on the zombies. Good Stuff. Reach didn't cut it for me when it came to customs. I seldomly found myself in a really good custom game lobby. Even when I did, it was mostly zombies or a poor excuse of a DoD map. Halo 4's customs SUCK. 343/C.A. threw out custom game options for flashy graphics and terrible forge spaces. Halo 3>Reach>LOLHALO4
Halo 4 has flashy graphics? I guess I've been playing PC too long... The campaign looks good for a console game and I like the lighting. As for multiplayer... sometimes it looks downright horrible. Halo: Reach looked better in certain ways than Halo 4, and Halo 4 looks better than Reach in certain areas as well. They toned down a lot of things like some textures and view distance, as well as particle effects since reach. They even made vehicle debris disappear the instant the vehicle explodes because the xbox can't handle it anymore. Explosions look a lot better in Reach also. So yeah, they didn't sacrifice custom games for flashy graphics. You could say they sacrificed custom games for a Flood model character. They sacrificed forgeworld for dynamic lighting, etc.
What was the one game mode (might have been H2) where when ever you were in the hill you had sniper's but that was it. You can also try my claustraphobic unfortunately its in reach tho
I agree with the gist of this - Halo 4 is in a lot of respects a lateral move rather than a clear forward one. Initially the graphics are quite impressive but once you get accustomed to the changes and start comparing them to Reach, it's hardly a clear evolutionary leap forward; some things are better and others are worse. I'm curious to see what they can do with their second title and (most likely) next gen hardware. I just feel like Halo 4 shows signs of being exactly what it is: a good first effort by a new team, on a machine that is really showing its age at this point.
I know that Binary Slayer is a pretty fun gametype, but it isn't necessarily revolutionary. People dont make maps for it either... I did remake VIP as much as I could anyway... It's in the posted gametypes section. One last thing is that I was in Nonduels customs lobby, and we played an extraction gametype similar to invasion. It was VERY promising. It worked in a linear style, but I'll try to figure out more.