2v2 Concept

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Dax, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What's up fellas. First off, major props to KAZEROID for whipping up this preview video for me so quickly, since I can't get pictures. You're awesome, dawg.

    This is a 2v2 concept stemming from the infamous triangle map (it's not really that infamous, don't fret). I threw it together in a day just to get a first draft down, so I could test and make changes as needed. And after a few playtests, it seems as though a lot of changes are needed.

    When I heard about the upcoming 2v2 playlist awhile back, I made it a goal to have a map at least submitted for consideration for matchmaking. But apparently my time has already passed as I've heard submissions have to be in by tomorrow. Nevertheless I still want to work on this with matchmaking standards in mind. And that's where you guys come in! I could use all the critique/suggestions you have to offer.

    Initial sketch:
    Overlapping paths removed:
    Known problems (too campable):

    After a few tests, this is what I and a few others noticed so far:
    • Scale is too small to support 2v2
    • Fighting generally feels cramped
    • Easy to escape quickly by hugging the inner circle and running around it and away from opponent
    • The two circled areas in the last spoiler are too campable
    • It's awkward traveling from purple up to dark red. You have to go down a ramp, then turn around and go up another
    Again, if you have any suggestions at all, I'm all ears :)

  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This map looks wonderful, Its hard to believe it doesn't play well for 2v2... I can only imagine it would be a great 1v1 map then? Anyway I'm impressed by the design! You've clearly spent a lot of time into this, design-wise and forge time.

    I am curious though what are you sitting at for budget or items?
  3. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks dude. But yea, it just plays a little too cramped for my liking at the moment :/

    Lol, nah.. But design-wise yes. Then I basically just copied my sketch into forge, didn't spend a lot of time on it at all.

    I'm sitting at 5300 right now. After I get the layout down I'm going to focus more on the aesthetics :)
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Invite me to forge/test this, if you like. The map looks great, and I dont get any sort of 'cramped' feeling at all.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    5/10 no pencil sharpener

    jk :)

    Seems like those highest areas could do with some slight lowering (messing with the elevations could remove the need for the ramp up / down) and those 1 wide areas could do with some widening. Other than that, please swap that gravity hammer out. Perhaps a railgun or OS?
  6. UneeQ

    UneeQ Promethean
    Senior Member

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    i personaly love this map im pretty sure i would be killin it on this map, for FFA, hell id play 4v4 on this map. the more action there is in the game the better. i personally love close encounters with epic BR battles, or dropping that perfect nade and taking out there team like its swat. man i love small maps!

    By the Way i love the Video quality where did you learn to do that ;)
  7. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually really like this, it reminds me of halo 3's original forge, structurally. The design leads me to believe that it would play just fine for 2v2, sprint may make it questionable but it shouldn't be too bad.
  8. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    your maps get better and better Dax
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Feels camped? I highly doubt that. If anything, it looks way too open. I can't see a 2v2 playing well on this at all- more like a 4v4. That's just from looking at it, though.

    I do agree with Spin when he said that the highest parts of the map need a bit of lowering. There's a lack of proper structure in some parts of the map, but I doubt it's anything too big.

    I love the design, but I think it's way too complex, and needs to be cut down quite a bit in order for the map to play what you intend it for.

    I wouldn't mind getting a game on this sometime. It does look quite interesting.
  10. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    finally something that inspired me.... The feel and look reminds me of my old quake days.

    As others have stated 4v4 looks possible.
  11. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha, I guess I need to clarify a bit when I say cramped. I'm not necessarily talking about the scale or openness. Mind you this was only after a few games, but this is what I've noticed: the two highest elevations are the paths on the inner circle (dark blue and dark red). Since the natural inclination is to get to higher ground, these two paths are points of interest. The problem is when opposing players travel up from the bottom floor (regular red[?]), one player is basically on top of the other, which feels cramped in that scenario. Not sure if I explained it quite well enough, does that kind of make sense?

    I'd love to have you guys help me test this though and get more opinions. I'll let y'all know when I run some more testing :)
    #11 Dax, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  12. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Very nice - the layout resembles a cool 2v2 map I played with Spin a week or two ago.

    I have to agree with the height of the upper walkways. They seemed to tower above you when you were on the lower levels, offering far too much of a height advantage to the people above as they can basically only see your head. I'm worried about the width of the upper walkways, too. As they're so high, would it be possible to crouch and take cover from people shooting up at you?

    I suggest lowering the high walkways and keeping their current width, or keeping their current height and decreasing their width.

    I agree with Eightball on the whole 'cramped' thing. It looks about the perfect size, if not a little too big, for strategic engagements from a variety of distances. Of course, playtests will provide the answer.

    Overall, I'm a big fan of the height variation throughout, and I like how you're focusing play on the lower levels by adding power weapons down there - although I do agree with Spin and think you should swap out the Gravity Hammer for something that would prove more useful in fights on the walkways. I don't think the hammer offers enough incentive for players to give up their height advantage and move right into the centre of the map.

    Alternatively, you could always place the hammer at the highest, centre point of the map - it'd make for some interesting gameplay if you could strike with a death blow from above.

    I'm free throughout the weekend, so message me if you ever want some playtests done - I'm looking forward to seeing this finished!

    EDIT: Just seen your latest post. You make sense - could you not change the position of some pathways so they don't lie one on top of the other? When I saw your walkthrough, I thought that you could maybe swap out the high paths for man-cannons to the centre - it'd allow players on the bottom level to hug the wall on the side of their opponent, meaning their opponent cannot see them and will have to drop down to fight... Make sense? I've no idea what this would do to gameplay, though.
    #12 Kazerra, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  13. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    DAX Where do I submit these 2v2 maps for MM? Link?
  14. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember this from the sketch thread many moons ago. It turned out much larger than I thought it would. Beyond what everybody else said, it looks like you had to rely on unstructural cover in some positions; hightly elevated positions at that. With where they're at, it doesn't look like much can be done about it, but they don't seem like they'd be a problem here anyway.

    Let's play some games this weekend if you're down.
  15. DaBawce

    DaBawce Promethean

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    Any chance of you uploading this map to your fileshare for playtesting?
  16. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm currently in the process of making some changes to the layout since I just wasn't happy with it. It's nothing too different but I'm going to need some of you guys to help test in a few days. I'm really looking to get a lot of games on this so any help would be super :)

    Kazerra, I forgot to add that the Grav Ham was gone after one game, lol.

    DeBawce, it's not currently but maybe I'll put the newer version up in a few days.
  17. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I'll most likely be able to playtest any time, as my exams are over now. Also, send me a message if you ever want my opinion on anything. I'll gladly give input.
  18. Baykon Bits

    Baykon Bits Forerunner

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    You know, scale wise it's just barely too small IMO for a 4v4. 2v2 I feel would be amazing on this map. I intend to download and test it. Have you considered and outer ring? You could easily widen the smaller ramps/walkways on the ouside, and add an out ring with a little cover and some height variations. Even if only on the sides. This would stop everyone from crowding the high ground in the middle, as there would be other positions of slight power to have to worry about.
  19. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    one thing i noticed when watching the video is that you have blown the lighting budget, at about 1.33 into the vid u can c shadow problems against the blocks when you walk up the ramp, might want to check out the guide to dynamic lighting and try to replace some of the heavy lighting pieces with lighter ones to help. just a thought because i hate it when you spent a long time making a map only to find that the lighting budget is blown by the time you get towards the end. totally ruins a map in my eyes because why have dynamic lighting if it wont work all the time? makes no sense to me, but as far as the map goes keep at it, looking good
  20. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's precisely what I plan on doing! Very good thinkin' baykon bits. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long before I make the changes.

    I think what you're seeing is just the lighting effect from Theater Mode. Sometimes the light acts all screwy when you're watching a recorded clip in theater. It shouldn't be like that in game!

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