No, it's not Halo related, but just launched anew, and somehow I got my mug on there. Shoutout to all the old folks whose passion for building Halo maps made me pursue my dream job! My Breaking In Article
My thoughts exactly... He probably won't be able to answer you because of the NDA but if he still remembers Forge Hub and visits every time there's good news, I am sure he suggested it if it wasn't already being implemented.
haha – 'as well as his next ice cream sandwich.' Nice job dude! Working at Bungie is pretty much a dream job for everyone here, so congratulations and good luck!
Every time you post here, I get more and more jealous of you, Leland. Wish I lived somewhere near a development studio so I could pursue my passion for gaming as well, but unfortunately, there aren't many in Australia and they're usually very small. Wish you luck with your job, and don't forget us little guys. Also, nice shout-out to FH there, too.
Your first name sucks, but your last name is amazing. It's like half "Dazzler" half "Dancer" half... antler. I'd gay marry your ass for a last-name like that. I just realised you might have a sister, but it's too late to change plans now. I'm going to have to: -Pretend I like Doctor Who -Pretend I like flat caps -Pretend i'm gay -Make you gay When I break it down like that it doesn't seem so hard.
A big congrats to you, nice to see you didn't forget about us lowly peons here on Forge Hub. As a current GameStop Game Adviser living in TN as well as a fan of Doctor Who, you're pretty ****ing awesome. I also didn't know once upon a time we shared a few similarities. Once again a big congrats to your new job, and good luck!
Nice job making a shout out to FH! Congrats on the job and interview, takes a lot of guts to move so far with such a small lead
Don't be jealous; pursue your own dream. If you want to work in game development badly enough, move to a place that has some studios and don't stop working at it until you're in! =D
There's an art to socializing with devs, but you're correct. I was respectful but very, VERY persistent and ever-present. I commented on every Bungie tweet, I reached out to every Bungie dev on Twitter, I showed up for the meetup at PAX... Don't be a stalker, but there's not better way to be remembered than to have your name recognized (and not on a restraining order list, but as a friendly face). DeeJ (community Organizer at Bungie) was sending me names at 343i that I could contact for a job there at one point, he knew my name so well. I politely accepted but reminded him I had no desire to work there, that Bungie was my goal. XD
It's good advice man, but like I said, there's not many around these parts, and they'd be small, so probably not looking for more people to not pay. ;D Moving to Queensland soon, though, and that's where most games devs in Australia seem to be around. More in the Brisbane area, though, which is about as far away from where I live now as where I'm going to be moving soon. Ahh well, we'll see what happens.
That was a really good read, particularly the bit about your thought processes and approach to isolating bugs. Were you a journalist when you were staff here? All the best in your dream job, dude. It's great to see an old school child of FH made good.