Introduction I'm a new member and this is outrageous

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BoxyBrown69, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. BoxyBrown69

    BoxyBrown69 Promethean
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    why is this spam? Are compliments not allowed if they don't have some sort of complex sentence structure. I was just trying to give this guy some credit and engage with the other members. Being my first post since joining this forum I find it a little ridiculous. After receiving this message I looked over the forum rules and I did find the part about stuff being removed if it's one sentence, but is this really necessary? Is this forum so picky about what is allowed you can't give a simple compliment? Help me out guys I really just want to understand this logic.
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    99% of the time you need to have more input that "This map looks great!" or "I really like the way you did this area of the map!". Sure, it sucks, but if that wasn't an infractable offense then the forums would be flooded in a quest for Post Count (which is an arbitrary count and means nothing). The best way to compliment a map without being infracted is by adding a little more meat to your compliments; for example, by concatenating the previous examples you would get something along the lines of "This map looks great! I think that the way you did (area x) was really innovative!" - and if all else fails, just say you'll be back with more criticism once you play it.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Yeah, what Pino said.

    Plus, it's just a warning man, no harm done. Just try and expand on your future posts.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Precisely what Cluck and Pino said.
    On another affront, any dispute you have with an infraction you have been given should be taken up with the staff member who handed you the infraction not displayed to the public.
    That is frowned upon too.

    That aside, welcome to Forge Hub and we hope you enjoy your stay :]
  5. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I have a feeling he won't...

    eh, welcome anyway
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I feel like most things have been summed up nicely here. Our rules exist to prevent excessive spam and to prevent flooding in the map forums. We have, as of late, eased up on what we consider spam, but anything one sentence long that doesn't actually indicate that you've even viewed the thread is still infractable. I'm sorry if you don't feel like this is fair, but it's the best way to run that area of our community, and we won't be changing it any time soon.

    In the future, try to add more to your post. Comment on the map itself, or your experiences on the map. We won't consider it spam if it's obvious that you've viewed the map and have something constructive and real to say.

    Also, in the future, problems with an infraction can be handled through the use of private messages to the moderator that gave you the infraction. If you truly feel that you're not being treated fairly (and talking to the moderator isn't helping) you can message an administrator on the site.

    Since we've covered everything, I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread now. If you have any further questions about the rules feel free to message me.
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I'd just like to add that I very kindly cleared everything up with him last night, along with welcoming him to the site. I don't know if be posted this before or after I wrote him back, but oh well. As Organite said, keep stuff like this to PM's next time.
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