Hello, I'm new to forge and I was curious as to how to create your own gametypes beyond the typical halo ones (slayer, CTF, KOTH, Dominion, etc...) I have a really neat one that I have essentially created between me and a group of friends, but we just select team slayer and kind of create our own rules between us that we all understand. BUT, I would like to know if its possible to "program" these rules into the forge that wouldn't allow it to be played any other way. I would like to get it perfect and add it to the community for all to try but if I do add it without having it programmed correctly and just say "use slayer settings but no gernades allowed, only 2 people max allowed on red team, etc.." then people wouldnt get it. I guess my main question to start is; Can I create my own gametype?
Hey there man, All you have to do is go into the "Custom Games Lobby" and select the gametype you want to edit. Then go over to "Game Options." From that menu you are able to experiment and fool around with all the settings the gametype has to offer; Whether you want to add 300% speed, or setting up the game loadouts themselves. Once you change the gametype however you want you simply press the "Y" button in order to bring up the file options. You can then save the gametype you created/edited. Once you have done that you are ready to play it. Just select the gametype you based it off of and a sub menu will pop up showing the gametype you created and named. Example: Gametypes < Slayer < "Super Amazing Awesome Slayer" (Or a more realistic name...) That's about all we can do at this point in Halo's evolution to create gametypes. Hope that helps!
thanks! that was exactly what I was looking for. Now I just gotta figure out how to make the settings I want. Edited by merge: unfortunately my gametype will not work. I need red team to have either 1 or 2 people and the blue team to have up to 8. Also, I need the blue team to have an unlimited amount of deaths and the red team to have only 3 allowed before the game ends. I guess its not as cutomizable as I though it would be. Oh well. The closest thing I could find was Flood but when using that, the flood can't use weapons so that won't work.
Ya 343 really f'd up by taking out infection gametype which pretty much made any fun gametype from previous halos unplayable...