Testing Sessions To Be Decided Background Info Spoiler The map started out as a simple sketch for a Halo Reach. I ended up building most of the map on Halo Reach, but I never did finish it. Then one day in Halo 4 I remembered the map and started to forge it. I don't really like the pallet of Halo 4's forge(everything is too white), but I feel like a managed to create quite a beautiful map with it. Testing Info I haven't been able to test much on the map, and I was hoping that you guys would be able to help me out with that. The map is built for 4v4 gametypes. My main concerns are: -The teleporters -The power weapons Pictures Spoiler Map Preview: Memories - YouTube Any suggestions on the map are welcome.
I'll tackle this post in a list form. Are you having framerate issues? It seems like there are a whole lot of shield doors around the map, plus that grid (which does look good for a Grid, btw). Putting a sender node right by a power weapon spawn is questionable. People can run through the sender and camp the receiver with the power weapon if it's close enough. I'm not entirely sure on my scaling on the lower areas of the map, so that's something that may or may not be an issue. This map suffers from paper structure syndrome - that is, most of the walls on the map are thin. This detracts from realism (players in an indoor map should feel like they are in a structure, not a hangar with a couple LoS blocks thrown in) and also gameplay (rounding thin corners to avoid the enemy among other things). Thicker walls is probably a better idea. If you intend this map to be played with radar, the areas with wraparound pillars need to be rethought. Using radar, weak players can avoid other players by "dancing" around the pillar. This applies to anything from those small 1x1 pillars to the larger, multi-piece pillars. Generally, anything that you can run circles around detracts from gameplay. Finally, color spamming. That is, you seem to have colored every piece on the map. It's understandable that you want to make an area obviously of a certain color for callout reasons, but after so many lines of color, it just distracts players. Reducing the color in the most color-intensive spots and picking a couple obvious spots to put color in might make the area seem less like a rainbow. This does look like you've put time into forging it, so that's a plus.
1.) Frame rate issues seem to be fine. The only time it slows down is in splitscreen. 2.) The teleporters and power weapons had always concerned me, but I haven't had much testing on it so only time will tell. 3.) I can probably make the majority of the walls thicker to get rid of the "paper wall syndrome" one place where I might have to leave them is at the top where the receiver is currently located. 4.) Okay I'll get rid of the 1x1 pillars and such. Do you have any ideas of how I can add cover to the Red Ramp side without using pillars? 5.) I can easily fix the coloring issue. I will probably just get rid of all of the color from the pieces. Oh and thanks for the feedback
I like the grand scale of the map. Like was mentioned before, it does feel a bit like you're in a warehouse instead of a monumental structure due to so many of the room separation walls being thin. The layout is interesting. I like that it goes from low to high both from front to back and side to side. Are there any problems with team fairness due to one team automatically having the high ground? If so, you may have to figure out a way to handicap the high ground team or boost the chances for the low ground team. Your aesthetics are really well done. I liked the huge diamond shaped windows and the flooring @ the top area by the round red glowing light. I'd suggest you do something to ensure that players can only enter the in-floor teleporter sender from the correct direction. Because it is open on all sides, players are bound to enter it wrong and exit the receiver node at awkward angles. Keep up the good work.
Paper is OK as long as it's not everywhere and/or you can't tell it's paper. As for the area you're mentioning, you'll have to change the geometry itself so that it's not so long and straight. I'm sorry, I don't want to provide more specifics because I can't be sure, not having played a game on your map.
excuse my ignorance, if i am wrong. but this reads a little like people who like to use cover, as they are a lesser shot, should not have the opportunity and you should map towards people who are headshot specialists so they can be killed easily and everyone can carry on! i dont see how anything you can run circles around detracts from the gameplay. can you clarify for me? thanks
I think that's only an issue in 1v1s & maybe 2v2s. In team games it's not as much of a problem IMO. As long as an entire map isn't covered in pillars, lol.
Yea, columns really aren't a big deal in bigger sized (4v4+) games. Something about this map really intrigues me. The layout is really different than most forged maps I've seen lately and I'm diggin it. It has this sense of grandeur that gives it it's own unique atmosphere. Don't really have any critiques because I haven't played it, but I want to. Testing anytime soon?
Eh. I'm not a fan of pillars in general. But we all have opinions. I would definitely try to do something about the paper walls, though. Which it does seem like you're doing
I like the aesthetics and what you did with the grid however the middle area looks almost exactly like the middle area on treasury from reach matchmaking. Also you have a spot on the grid side that is a dead end with a gravity lift. This is always a red flag for a competitive map for two reasons. A dead end can bring gameplay to a screeching halt. Lets say there is a battle and one participant runs behind there to get to the stairs and get away, now they find themselves at a dead end with two options, fight or run up the gravity lift which does not give them much control. A gravity lift should not replace a hard route(walking route) it can slow down gameplay in a similar fashion as explained above. I won't say this rule is 100% always true because even on a few great maps there were lifts to isolated parts of maps but usually those were ISOLATED and held a power weapon which the area I'm talking about on your map is neither. Tl;dr? I suggest you add a ramp at the dead end near the grid area. Otherwise great looking map.
I'm with Dax on the fact this map looks really grand. I think it's to do with all the shield doors and that kill ball decoration - both aspects make the map seem genuine, instead of a Forge creation. The tall pillars and high ceilings remind me slightly of Epitaph, where you feel all small and insignificant in a massive expanse of coolness. I like. One tiny critique on aesthetics: from the overview, the centre room with the diamond has floors made of Coliseum Walls. They're off centre with the room. Fixing that up a bit would make me happy, haha. I won't critique this further just yet because you asked for feedback on teleporters and power weapons, which can only be given after playtests. It looks like you have a few people here who may be willing to test this for you, so to reiterate Dax's question, are you playtesting any time soon?
leegeorgeton: As I said I haven't done really any testing on the map so I still need to find how fair/unfair the height advantage is. I'm also fixing the paper thin walls on my newest version of the map. Oh, and I'll take your advice on the floor-teleporter. Thanks for the feedback. stealthylemon: I'm glad you like the grid. SpinCycle014: I'm updating the map so the walls aren't so paper thin, but I will probably keep a lot of the pillars. Dax: I'm glad that you enjoy the layout, and I will be testing soon. Waterfallninja3: I'll see what I can do about the dead end on the map. I will probably just add another ramp like you said. Kazerra: I'm glad that you like the map. It's interesting that it reminds you of Epitaph. And I'll probably just replace the coliseum walls in the center with another piece. Originally I had the Impact Corridors as flooring there so maybe I'll use those again. Like I said earlier in this post I will try to get a testing session on this soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testing Times To Be Decided