I created this (and signed up to ForgeHub to share it) because I was frustrated with the lack of remakes for this extremely popular map, the few I've seen seem to use the Ravine landmass, which doesn't really seem to work for it. There's ample space if you know where to look, so we're headed to the vast emptiness of Impact. I don't lay claim to being a super-forger like some of the map makers here, but I've done the best I can structure-wise in what I would deem an 'acceptable' time frame. Water cave isn't done correctly though, the spawns are a bit haphazard, and its only set up for BTB Slayer (world ordinance on, personal off)... so if you're a super-forger and you'd like to help improve this, by all means do! (as long as I'm credited) Map Name: Hemorrhage Gamertag: Sterlk Recommended Players: Up to 16 Recommended Gametypes: BTB Slayer - world ordinance on, personal ordinance off PS: As this is the first map I've ever posted online, I'd love to hear thoughts/tips etc.
It wasn't a popular or great map, it just came up for vote often and there were no good BTB maps in Reach. The only thing that I felt it was good for, was racing. But with the one pic, I can't really tell how accurate it is. Do you have the caves as they were? The vehicles? What did you replace the Revenant with?
I always liked Hemorrhage, a bit overplayed, but good times to be had. The remake is on my fileshare, each base has 2 warthogs, 2 mongeese, a wraith and a ghost. No replacement for the revenant, the only thing I could think of was another ghost, possibly switching one of the normal hogs for a rocket version. Each base has a sniper respawning at 120, shotguns in the rocks at 180. Splaser in the middle on 180, concussion rifle's on those ledges on 60. Couldn't figure out how to accurately do the water cave, so its a wraparound cave, station corridor and station 45 degree piece. I'm aware of how accurate it is as I jumped on Reach 2 or 3 times while making it, there's a little spatial distortion and its hard to get the terrain to undulate like it does on Reach, so the incline pieces are moved about a bit in an attempt to balance it. The feedback I'm looking for, if any, is more along the lines of "use these pieces to do that", "those rocks should be moved this way" etc. Help by forging is always welcome if somebody feels like downloading it, making a few tweaks and then putting it on their fileshare. I really uploaded it just to share it with anybody else who liked Hemorrhage, its by no means perfect, but as far as I know its the best of the very few Blood Gulch/Hemorrhage remakes out there, the only others I'm aware of seem to be just Settler variants.
Ive wanted to make something similar to hemmorage in terms of something big and open but the terrain in halo 4's maps is so un uniform so i haven't really made an attempt yet. like how you used the silos to make hills.
It would've been better if you remade Bloodgulch instead. Hemorrhage was a pretty bad map in Reach. No, actually it was a really bad map. Map number one to get easy perfections - or to get raped by tons and tons of vehicles.
I dunno...being a BTB player, Hemorrhage was a great map in Reach so I have to disagree with the previous comments about it being a bad map. Yeah you could get raped by vehicles on it or you could rape... just like any other map. It all depends who you are playing with, Halo is never fun with aggressive assholes. However, Hemmorrhage is good because of it's large size and terrain...the style of Bungie BTB which sadly is gone forever and we will never see a nice large map to forge on ever again. Sterlk: I have no idea how you remade Hemmorrhage as I think it is pretty much impossible in Halo 4 because Certain Affinity doesn't know how to make a nice Forge map and Terrain big enough for good BTB maps. I am interested to see what you did here but can't tell anything from the photo. From the screenshot it really looks way too small about 1/4 the size, but that's just trying to tell from one low detail photo.
Well i can tell you that the far side cave/walkway down needs work just from the picture at least Aesthetically, also is that killballs at the back?? just use a death barrier mate. Anyway the close side looks good but like you said your water cave is off so idk yet. Good idea here especially using impact the silos look perfect i'll download and go through it and perhaps with your permission i'll fix what i can.
ok I downloaded the map and took a quick run through. the first thing I noticed was the size is a significant amount smaller then hemorrhage. second, the kill balls should be replaced with rocks, walls, or something else to block that area off. third I noticed there is z-fighting inside both bases. 4th, there isn't enough cover (too many long lines of sight across the whole map). good idea using silos as hills but there needs to be a bigger hill in the middle to prevent the line of sight from base to base. You shouldnt be able to stand on top of each base and snipe across to the other base as you couldn't do that in Hemmorhage. All in all I think you did an ok job but it needs a lot of work. Luckily you still have half the budget left. I would probably try to incorporate better ways of blocking off the edges of the map, especially the one base that has nothing behind it but outer space and a floor to fall off. If you got more rocks to place I would try making mountains with the big rock. It's really difficult to remake Hemmorhage in Halo 4 but I see it can be possible for a spiritual successor so don't give up just yet.
I'm aware its pretty rough around the edges, but I don't think its significantly smaller than the original. Its not as deep beyond and around the bases (I'm pretty much out of coliseum walls), and there are instances such as the cave-ledge where its smaller than it should be, but base-to-base was a reasonably accurate distance when I started, using the large walkway as a baseline in both games. From memory, I have to disagree with the line of sight from base-to-base thing, I always remembered standing on my base and being able to see the other base, but the distance being too extreme to do much about it, though I could be wrong. CaptnSTFU, I would love for you to go through and fix what you can, anybody else is welcome to do the same. I don't usually have the time, forge skill, or patience to make a 1 to 1 remake and I would love to see an expertly crafted Hemorrhage in H4, I made this as both a first attempt and a launching point for others because nothing else so far had even come close.
I might DL and take a crack at it though I'm far from even proficient at Forge. I'll try and see if I can tweak it to be more like Blood Gulch/Coagulation which I preferred to Hemorrhage. IF I can't do anything good myself well...poop. haha (x I really do want a BG remake though.
well how many rocks do you have left? I'd use a lot of Spires to make artificial mountains and barriers, or at least I would try to even though it's a pain in ass sometimes to blend them good in a natural way. You could see some of the enemy base standing on top of your own base in Reach's Hemorrhage, but I am pretty sure you couldn't snipe anyone from base to base just standing on top. I think the middle hill blocked that line of site.
Possibly it was some of the rocks on the middle hill? I don't think the hill itself did that. I have lots of rocks left, though its ridiculously hard to form hills with them that are smoothly traversable. At least with the silos, you can strafe around on them and your movement isn't really impeded, all the vehicles can drive over them as well. In retrospect, stretching from the middle splaser spawn to the big hill near teleporter exit, it seems like a good idea to use a bunch of silos on their sides getting higher towards the cave, rather than the silo caps and stunt ramps I have now. I might modify that and a few other things once the guys who'd like to attempt fixing it a bit make their changes, I know I don't have the skill to make this perfect on my own, so I'm quite happy for it to be a community project with whoever's interested.
I can't recall if it was rocks or the hill, but there was a couple or few rocks on top of the hill and the hill was a bit taller than any others on the map. you'd have to load up reach and take a look. also you can use grids and/or colliseum walls to measure the length of the map if you wanted to see how much bigger it was. That's what I would do anyway. I forgot about the lake behind that base is why you have an open area. I think for your map however something should go on that edge for aesthetic or to block it off since there is no way to put a lake. Just gotta be careful not to break the dynamic lighting on the map too. good luck man