Name: LONGSHORE Creator: KAZEROID Players: 4v4 - 8v8 Description: i just finished this map, took me 5 1/2 hrs of forging. i wanted to remake this map because i wanted to build a map that would be an unlikely choice to remake. i did pretty well to scale and acc, the dynamic lighting did fail but its **** anyway, to much of a pain to deal with and fix, the crates seem to not receive light at all( i thinks its cuz its to low,i move em up and the get brighter. dont remember who it was but your a total buz kill for spoiling my cool video style, so you guys get a plain old walk through and pic. here they are, hope you enjoy, and im still loooking to try some gameplay on it. Video: Halo 4: Forge Map: LongShore Remake | KAZEROID - YouTube Pictures:
THANK YOU! I loveloveloved! Longshore and it was one of my favorite H3 maps (I was sad it came into play so late) but knew I couldn't possibly Forge it myself...not that good yet. Anyway, part of me wishes you had chosen Ravine just because it's my favorite lighting but then again, Erosion has the piping and lets you get closer to the water than Ravine. Will DL and run around to see how much it feels like the original! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wait...I don't see it on your it not up yet?
ill Get Right on that, i forgot to do that haha, im very tired. lol so by the time you read this its good to DL. Yup its good to go.
This is yet another great example of how a talented Forger could create more accurate remakes if the texture palette wasn't so bland. I don't see why they couldn't just apply the 'team' color shader to more of a given object's texture to help us create variance. Having these tiny slivers of color just doesn't work. Here we have a fairly (from what I can see) structurally sound remake that, if given a larger color palette, could truly pay homage to the original.
I agree with you strongly on that, there are so many ideas that i personally have that i think would make forging better, but who am i to 343i to listen to? haha, i would love the ability to scale objects, im always sick of having over lapping glitchy blocks cuz i hade to put a big piece to cover the odd sized hole... and they need to creat more pallets of objects have a pallet for forerunner textured pieces, stone textured pieces and so on and so forth.
dang, kazeroid, do you forge like non-stop or something? you sure are churning out maps quickly... nice job!
IT really sucks that dynamic lighting can get "broken" just by using the budget we're GIVEN but this is definitely a solid only suggestion IS to make the blocks correspond to team's not much but I tested it and it does make it a lot easier to orient yourself.
I was almost done, and it's in the same location. haha. I'm just having trouble with the bases because of piece usage. You seriously crank these remakes out.
Do you ever sleep, lol, j/k. Map looks great, I just wish you would of done it on Ravine, right above the water on the sunny side of the island. On erosion the lighting just makes the map looks so flat and dull.
****ing Love Forging, when i build a map its in One Sitting, unless i run out of something, then ill stop and try again later i lucked out with this big ass map and just barley had enough pieces to get it this close. and that you for the feed back and yes i did sit for 5 /12 hrs straight building this one.
good map. i never really liked the original unless we played one flag. but this remake is very well done. its very accurate and i like it on erosion because it gives it the same grime feel of the original. also no one ruined your video style. anyone with a brain could have seen how you did it if they just thought about it, that being said you should go back to making your videos like you used to do it was really fun to watch
Alright then i will, the next map i build will be like before maybe a little better. and thanks for the feed back