Map Name: Disco Decay Gamertag: thesuicidefox Most Recent Version: v2.0 as of 01/01/13 (check description of map) Supported Players/Teams: up to 8 players for all supported gametypes (12 for Flood); up to 4 teams when available - Red, Blue, Green, Purple (Gold instead of Purple for CTF only) Gametypes: all standard variants Slayer, CTF, Oddball, Extraction, Flood, KOTH, Grifball; plus all custom Dance the Night Away Playlist variants Does not work with: Dominion any variant Weapons: Initial Ordnance - Energy Sword (mid-3), Speed Boost (mid-2) Random Ordnance - Plasma Grenades (blue-1/red-1), Frag Grenades (purple dancefloor), Pulse Grenades (green-2), Concussion Rifle (purple-1) Other - Light Rifle (blue-2/red-2), Plasma Pistol(blue-1/red-1), DMR (gold/seafoam corners), Carbine (orange/cyan corners), Storm Rifle (green dancefloor), Hologram (green-3), Promethean Vision (purple-3) - none of these spawn at start Link: not yet available (search GT: thesuicidefox) Videos: coming soon! thesuicidefox - YouTube Loadout Camera Dancefloor Death Ball Club Entrance Blue Base Red Base Party Room (Red) VIP Room (Red) Green Base Green Base Top Green Hallway Purple Base Purple Base Top Purple Base Bottom _____________________________________________________ :CALLOUTS: Dancefloor (mid-1) Cyan/Orange/Seafoam/Gold shields Cage (mid-2) DJ Booth (mid-3/sword) Bar (green-2/green hallway) Cyan/Orange Silos (cyan/orange corners) Club Entrance (back green, teleporter) Escort Service (green-3) Blue/Red VIP Room (blue-1/red-1) Blue/Red Party Room (blue2-/red-2) Garage (purple-1) Gold/Seafoam Balcony (gold/seafoam corners) Security Room (purple-3) Loadout Cam (purple-4)_____________________________________________________ Hello and welcome to Disco Decay! This map is loosely based on Midship (don't even call it a remake) but the design and exact layout is orginal. I made a disco-themed map in Halo Reach but the design is completely different and, in fact, I feel that Disco Decay is a much better map. The map was designed with competitive gameplay in mind, and I really tried to keep everything simple and elegant. I have playtested the map a few times and v2.0 is actually very different from the v1.0 design. I initially used a lot of stunt ramps but after people told me they felt the map was too "hilly" I replaced all the ramps with double sided large ramps. This actually made a huge difference as you seem to slow down when going over the stunt ramp's hill, and it provides more straight lines of sight when moving from base to base. The dancefloor is designed to force you to dance LOL but there is a trait zone and gravity field to allow you to jump across with ease or access the cage (mid-2) housing the Speed Boost pickup. To keep the trait zone from hindering both standard and custom gametype variants too much the settings are all default EXCEPT jump is 150%, speed is 110% (since most competitive modes use this) and radar turns off (which also lets you know when you are in the trait zone). The trait zone itself is made to be as small as possible only covering the ramps leading to the dancefloor, which prevents it from drastically affecting gameplay in any mode. Everything is color coded to the dancefloor, so the corners of the dancefloor match the corner block's colors respectively. This allows for easier callouts, though above you can see some alternate callouts. If anyone comes up with some more let me know and I will add them to the list. There are also a bunch of skill jumps and catwalks that give you alternative routes. I won't spoil the fun of trying to find them all, but just look around (and maybe you'll find more Midship LOL). If you know all the shortcuts you can traverse this map very quickly. The center is rather open but when the Speed Boost is up you would be willing to take the risk. Purple is meant to be the power position, and the security room houses PV. However, it lacks power weapons and has some wicked skill jumps that would make it easier to flush out campers. The hologram (aka escort) on green-3 is meant to be a sort of counter to the PV as it would allow you to distract someone long enough to make a push or flank. All starting rifles except for the BR spawn on the map, and the BR is your starting weapon and part of your personal ordnance package for competitive based gametypes in my custom playlist. One last thing I know MLG and such may have different settings and things may still be up in the air, but the pro settings I designed are based on what they are doing with the exception that there is a single starting loadout and everything else is a pickup. It's not meant to be MLG gametypes (otherwise I would list them as MLG), only for pro settings. Likewise, considering that Midship was the basis for this map they could be considered legacy pro settings. PS. Go easy this is my first competitive style map! _____________________________________________________ Disco Decay's Dance the Night Away Playlist Name: Disco Slayer Pro Artist: The "Pros" Description: Slayer with pro settings. Gametype: Slayer Rules: BR/Mag /1xPlasma*/Thruster Pack/Resupply/Awareness, 110% movement speed, friendly fire ON (this is "Pro" for any gametypes that list it), Ally Movement Radar <> Name: You Never Can Tell Artist: Chuck Berry Description: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!! I DARE YOU!!!!!! Gametype: Slayer Rules: free-for-all, Pro, leader has 50% damage + 200% damage ressistance + bottomless clip + 10 second shield recharge wait, players score bonus points if they kill someone ranked higher than them <> Name: Ghost 'n' Stuff Artist: deadmau5 Description: Who you gonna call? Gametype: Extraction Rules: no ordnance, Storm Rifle, Jetpack, Poor Camo, infinite abilities, low gravity, 1 extraction point at a time set on delays, 10 second arm, 5 second convert, 15 second capture, waypoint inside active extraction point <> Name: What is Love Artist: Haddaway Description: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more. Gametype: CTF Rules: first to 10 captures, Pro, 4 teams (2 players each preferred), 15 second recovery, touch return <> Name: Thriller Artist: Micheal Jackson Description: No mere mortal can resist the evil of the Thriller! Gametype: Flood Rules: Colorblind, trait zone allowing humans to kill spawns @Dancefloor after 90 seconds; HUMANS - Saw, Active Camo, 0% damage, no jump, no radar; FLOOD - 90% movement, super jumps, no abilities, 10m player location radar <> Name: Can' Touch This Artist: MC Hammer Description: Stop... Hammertime! Gametype: KOTH Rules: no ordnance, free-for-all, Fuel Rod Cannon + Gravity Hammer, 200% damage resistance, hill is dancefloor only, invincible when inside the hill <> Name: Stayin' Alive Artist: The Bee Gees Description: Well, you can tell by the way I walk I'm a woman's man; no time to talk. Gametype: Oddball Rules: no ordnance, free-for-all, Needler, bottomless clip, 50% damage, 0% melee damage, super speed; ODDBALL CARRIER - 2x overshield, 200% damage resistance, no shield recharge, immune to assassinations, slower speed; ODDBALL - randomly explodes after 30 seconds. <> Name: Destroy Them With Lasers Artist: Knife Party Description: PEW! PEW! PEW! Gametype: Regicide Rules: no ordnance, higher score to win and king bounty, Binary Rifle, 1xPlasma, 75% melee damage; KING - bottomless clip, no powerups <> *May alternate to Frag Grenades in some gametypes _____________________________________________________ While you can give feedback on whatever you wish, I am most interesting to know the following: Are the weapon placements balanced? Are there any poor or awkward spawns? Do more competitive gametypes suffer on this map? If yes, how so? In CTF do player spawns fairly? Does each base provide sufficient play space and cover? Are the custom "Playlist" gametyes balanced/fun? Are any changes necessary? Any major gamebreaking issues/bugs? Other stuff you can send me: Name so I can give credit where available. Also so I may contact you for future playtestings. Videos of you playing on my map (fileshare preferred, I can capture HD quality) Thanks, and enjoy everyone! I'll update this post as necessary, so check back once in a while.
that looks pretty cool, but I don't know if the dance floor is a good idea, it seems a bit suicidal to try to fight on it, seeing how you keep bouncing and you are so slow as well.
You're not supposed to fight on it except in KOTH for the first hill. It's one of the reasons I put Speed Boost in the cage along with the gravity fields so people take a risk going for it but it's not complete suicide. If you hit the jump right you fly right through the cage. But it's not the place you want to stay long. On the corners there are shield doors which are meant to give you some cover on the dancefloor. Most of the fighting happens in the bases, up top, and around the dancefloor itself. In Reach we had no Dominion shield doors so the dancefloor was made from colored windows, a few lights, and a golfball/grav lift gadget combo. TBH this one looks a thousand times better.
LOL, I'd love that! I had almost given up hope. People just didn't seem interested :/ But thank you for playing
Thank you, I'll try my best for my next one. It was a tad disappointing I couldn't have purple teams in CTF but gold still works.
I meant to DL this after I first saw it posted but had forgotten to. I thought there was no way it could be as cool as the pictures make it look. I had something amazing built up in my head. I finally downloaded it and am I happy to say I was wrong. Everything about this is spectacular. Having a theme is one thing. Executing that theme to this level is quite another. The detail, the aesthetics, the colors.....everything. Then to take all that and incorporate it into something that is a functional map design is really impressive. I'm stunned this hasn't gotten more attention. Great job, Fox!
Wow thank you! As always I'm open to suggestions for improvement. Its good to know this is getting some attention now. I put a lot of time into this map and its good people are enjoying it. This may be enough to draw me away from Far Cry 3 and back to do some forging lol.