The minigame/flood mode/map Im making relies of a good combination of teleporters and shields to work, but unlike in Reach the one way shields slow down a fast moving vehicle to a near stop. I was needing the one way shields to stop players from wandering into the teleporters outside of the vehicles and killing themselves. Could I use anything else to indicate to not go into the teleporters? Like a normal Sheild or a piece of scenery? Sorry if there isn't much detail, I don't want to be revealing much on the map yet (even though it is rather simple).
A killzone on this map isn't really suited for the map I have as some players will be driving through the killzone every 5-15 seconds. Which will mean that even though the chances are slim, a player or two may make it through the killzone on foot and reck havoc in an area of the map they should be. But good suggestion though EDIT: The kill zone would have to be very accurate in size, in order to allow the vehicles to drive through repeatily at high speed and to prevent players/ humans on foot from getting outside of the player able area.
Well your description is quite vague, I got no idea what your map looks like. Try posting a screenshot or a sketch.
It's near midnight over here and with the stuff that's going on I don't really have time to make a sketch or screenshot, but I will describe it. It's essentially a ramp, humans start off in a room with a magnum and either a hologram or active camouflage, about 3/4 the way down the ramp. The flood/zombies start at the top of the ramp with warthogs and mongooses at their disposal, they use these vehicles to ram the humans in the box after gaining speed. After they get through this room, the zombies vehicle hits a teleporter at the bottom of the ramp and they will be back at the top again. Another set of teleporters at the entrance/exit to the room/box will prevent humans from escaping otherwise it would kill them. It also prevents the flood/zombies from entering the room on foot. I'm sure most of you know a similar variety from Reach called SUPER HAPPY FUN SLIDE (daft name as it is, It's what it's creator called it).
I remember the game the other way around, with zombies spawning on the ramp, but I get what you mean now. I think that for the teleport at the end, you could just set it to vehicles only, right? Then, at the part where the humans/zombies spawn at the cars, have a one way shield for the exit, and a teleport just in front of the shield to teleport any walkers back to the cars. As long as you keep a roof on the ramp you won't need killzones or anything drastic like that. If you don't want the people on the ramp to walk into the area of the car teleporter, duplicate the teleporter, switch it back from vehicle only and set the receiver somewhere on the ramp. To keep the drivers in the cars, put down a team specific teleporter for them, teleporting them back to the garage room, this could even be the same channel as the one keeping them inside, or you could just use this one to keep them inside, too.
You can probably get away with player/vehicle specific teleporters and normal (not 1-way) shield doors.
I didn't actually think about using additionial teleporters or expanding them, I will either expand the ones I have or set up some new ones. Cheers.
another idea... since vehicles are longer length than humans, you could make a small dip in the road at the bottom where the teleporters are. space the teleports from the road a unit or two wide so that you can place a killzone down where the road height is. make a red dominion base shield indicate where the killzone is, but slightly below the top of the killzone. if you step on it, it could kill. if you drove over it, it won't. yet another idea would be to make a trait zone down at the bottom where you want to restrict players from going. make it reduce your shields or remove them completely. when a player enteres this area they will be coerced into avoiding it I absolutely love trait zones... doing a lot of interesting stuff with them.