Minesweeper Created by MozeRRR Supported Gametypes: Neutral Assault (Provided Gametype) Map Description Completely symmetrical two-base map designed for Team Swat/Capture the "Objective". I say capture the objective because it's meant to play like CTF but because neutral flag is seemingly impossible to make, it's neutral bomb. Same concept, just shaped different. Oh, and it explodes. Other than that, I'll let the pictures do the talking. _________________________________________________ Map Overview Middle Platform (Objective Spawn) "B" Base : Sniper Spawn (4 Bullets every 2:30) Fall out of the playing field? You figure it out. _________________________________________________ I tried to play-test this map but my friends list is full of "ZOMG NO MLG? I QUIT!" people. I know you guys are a lot more open-minded. First map I've ever made, so thanks in advance for any feedback. If you'd like more pics I can take some more. Download MINESWEEPER Download Neutral "Flag"
Loooks...different, not bad but different... Hmmm...this is mind bottling... lol does the whole field explode? If so that means super lag! Besides that it looks like it may need a little bit more in between...
Nice job the map looks really crisp and clean the only problem is that it is too open i would replace those fusion coils with dumpsters, barriers or wire spools
So, if I'm seeing this correctly, both teams are just going to stand on those platforms, line up and shoot each other the entire game. Anyone who get creative gets blown up. Not the most dynamic of games, then again, neither is Grifball.
Looks pretty cool, the line of double boxes looks very straight and clean, good job (even though that part isnt hard to do). The thing that worries me is the fusion coils, that bottom area looks like it would cause a lot of frustration. How about propane tanks, they take a few seconds to go of and they're more unpredictable.
i love the whole mine field idea, this map looks good, although i would add a little more to it, but good job
The purpose of the fusion coils is to create some sort of risk factor when running the objective through the middle. I really didn't want it to be fast-paced at all. And no, they don't all blow up when you shoot one. I spaced them out enough so that when one blows up, only one or two of them go off. Both bases are the same, so what you see on B side is exactly the same on A side. Just mirror it over the middle platform. Yea I had a few pillars, doors, and such in the middle for cover but it just made the objective way too easy to capture. At least for me, fast-paced Swat is no fun.