NVIDIA Project SHIELD demo - YouTube Nvidia Is entering the handheld gaming scene. It will utilize Nvidia's new Tegra 4 mobile processor. It will run the Android OS and is being showcased at CES right now. Currently it only supports WiFi but it is just in beta stage of development. Here are some articles about it, Nvidia unveils Android gaming handheld powered by 'world's fastest mobile processor' | Joystiq NVIDIA unveils Project Shield, a Tegra 4-powered Android gaming handheld This makes a few Android based gaming platforms that are coming out. Any thoughts on this? Anyone think Nvidia will gain any market traction against Sony and Nintendo or any thoughts on Android branching outside just phones and tablets.
This looks very cool, but I think the future of mobile gaming is in smartphones. Why would someone want to carry around 2 devices when they can get a diluted but still fun experience with just one? Also I hope that isn't the final design because it looks like a ***** to carry around.
I don't know. I mean it essentially is an xbox controller with a screen. Looks more comfortable to hold and play then either a vita or a 3DS. It does look a little larger so it probably couldn't be put in a pocket. I don't think carrying it around would be that big a deal for when you want to play a handheld device (in a car, on a train, etc). I think you raise a good point that smartphones (and by extension tablets) are rapidly taking up whatever purpose handheld devices had.
Handheld devices are supposed to be designed with using it on the move in mind, with ease of storage for when not in use. The 3ds and Vita have both those down, but this just looks bad. Sure, it would feel better for lomger play sessions, but handhelds arent for long play sessions. Nobody I know would be willing to tote one of those around just to play handheld games. So, heres hoping that isnt their final concept and that they go with something a bit more... Flat.
What if this is going more for the console market rather than the handheld market? Why else would it have an HDMI port? If I owned this device I would use it more like an xbox rather than a DS. Maybe they designed it to function like the new WiiU controller where you can use it with the main console but also as a standalone device if you want.
I don't know if it's just me, but when ever I take out my DS I'm already set to invest at least 90 minutes into whatever I'm going to play; for anything less I use my phone. The NVIDIA Shield looks to me like something that I would take on public transportation when I have more than an hour to kill; because of it's clamshell design, it could easily be closed and tossed into a bag without serious damage when I'm done with it. Might as well post these here: Spoiler Nvidia Shield - A new contender in video games - YouTube Is Nvidia's Project Shield the Future of Mobile Gaming? - CES 2013 - YouTube Just the fact that I can stream games from my Steam collection is a big game changer too, especially when you consider Steam sales. Also TF2, from a comfortable position (ie, lying on my bed under 6 blankets), assuming there's little to no latency on multiplayer games.
The way I see it, it can't be any worse than the silver-blue hulking mass of DS that I carry around now.
They have not. If Nvidia wants any kind of success with it however they would be wise to sell it for cheap. I would price it at $100