Does anyone else feel like we've been ripped off with the matchmaking? I want snipers to be permanently in the game. SWAT was implemented into the playlist permanently, why can't they add in Snipers and other fun game types. Also, this infinity challenge crap is kind of making me feel jacked of a new playlist every week because all it is, is playlists we already had with a "Infinity Challenge" in front of it. I find myself playing Black Ops 2 and Forza Horizon more than Halo 4 which says a lot because I love myself some Halo and CoD seems too repetitive. Does anyone else feel the same?
I understand what you are saying completely. The week that they had flashback playlist live was the most fun week of matchmaking since halo 4 came out. I don't understand why there isn't an arcade playlist. I mean yes, most players want to play competitive game types, but what about the people who want to have a bit of fun with bodies flying everywhere as someone is trying to control the hill or bring back juggernaut. So yes I do agree, but I do also feel that it needs to be within certain limitations. We don't want to have a game type explosion like reach did. Bring back the classics from CE and 2 and customisation for flood and I think the multiplayer in Halo 4 would then be close to perfect.
When the Infinity Challenge ends we'll have the weekly playlists back like they were before, most likely with a solid helping of Snipers. Just have some patience.
I just don't get why they swap out the playlists. Snipers should be permanent, Throwback I have no clue, but it was certainly quite fun. What's wrong with having everything permanent? I went to try out Slayer Pro the other day- never tried it before, thought I'd give it a shot- assuming it would be available(it always has been before) and it was gone! WTF 343? Infinity challenge ISN'T EVEN ADDING A PLAYLIST, IT'S JUST PUTTING A NEW NAME ON A REGULAR ONE. And so to compensate for "adding a new playlist", they remove slayer pro/snipers/FFA throwback And finally I will leave one last thought: GRIFBALL, why hype up an ultra popular gametype's return, and then not give it a permanent playlist??? I. Am. Annoyed. [/rant]
Well. The playlists take money to run, and swapping some in and out allows them to run less servers and have a decent amount of gametypes going. SWAT stayed because it had so many people play so long that it rivaled many permanent playlists. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure the others (Throwback, Snipers, etc.) only had a few thousand at on time (where others like SWAT and Team Slayer had over ten thousand at any given time. I may be off, I havent played any Halo 4 matchmaking in several weeks, but the point remains the same). basically, if the gametypes are played a lot (like SWAT was), they will be made permanent. If not they remain a rotation piece. I don't know a thing about this infinity challenge, but it sounds like that will be over soon. Grifball... I have nothing to say on that. This thread feels like it was made to say 'I want Team Snipers to become permanent! That's not bad, but it does. As someone who is incredibly bored whilest in this game mode, I have lost interest in responding, so I
This thread wasn't made to be "OH I want snipers perm". It was made because I feel like they released a game not yet complete. Take forge for example, I feel like they took a step back and not forward, and the game's been out how long now and still no file sharing? It's ridiculous. Also, a 5 shot BR? I realize it was meant to balance the weapons but now it's rendered useless compared to the DMR which seems a bit OP, because they took a game mechanic out of the game that has been in all Halo's since the start, the fact that someone can still be scoped after shot is annoying in my opinion. The game has potential but it feels incomplete and inferior to the other Halo titles.
In my honest opinion if the want to slim down the playlists for server support you could narrow it down to this: Infinity Slayer BTB Infinity Slayer Flood SWAT Dominion Team Objective FFA Throwback Grifball [Community vote Rotation] Now I'm sure a lot of people may cringe at a community vote, but it was highly successful for Left 4 Dead 2 when it was going around and it gives the community to actively show how popular certain game types are. have 2-3 different playlists to vote for each week and then when you see certain playlists win by massive margins they should then consider making them permanent. IMO this system would work well.
Psychoshock, your enthusiasm makes me giddy. I wish I could respond in a good way, but alas, I cannot due to not really playing MM much and not being a huge Halo fan. While I do love this sort of discussion, I am afraid I have nothing more to say. Jacon, I agree about team objective. That should be its own playlist. I feel like too few play each individual objective for it to be worth the effort for the servers. As for grifball, I can't beleive its still so loved, but that whole throw the ball mechanic may actually make it fun, so I'll not disagree.
I don't. Sniping in Halo 4 is lame and sucks. They completely screwed it up. But I can understand if others want to, though, because it's still a fun weapon. SWAT is still in because it's extremely popular and also provides solide and fair gameplay. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I agree with that. Especially with the Forge part, indeed. They probably just rushed releasing the game to gain enough profits and to be able to compete with Black Ops 2. Also, this way a lot of people were going to buy it for Christmas. But they shouldn't wait for at least another 3 months to work on the tons of glitches present in the final game.
I haven't had the chance to play with the sniper much. I don't like the way SWAT is too much because of the instant spawns. Don't get me wrong, they did a lot right with Halo 4, but they also did a lot wrong. I think it may be more fun if I had more people to play with on customs. Also the competitive scene on this game is almost dead. They even took out Team Slayer Pro, and MLG is considering not keeping the game in the runs.