Total War

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by TAxxOUTBR3AKxx, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    If the name sounds anything familiar, then yup, your guts were right. I've been hectically trying to piece together the N64 classic from Conker's Bad Fur Day into Halo 4. Obviously, there are some most notable differences, but the main layout is nearly exactly the same. With all "re-imaginings" that means sightlines are often construed and inaccurate to the original. The main one being you can't shoot from your snipe tower into where the "Katana" spawned in the corner of the opponents base.

    With enough talking, here's some screenshots: (NOTE: still need cover placement, this is just showing the layout of the map)

    Overhead view:
    Looking out from back wall of base:
    Looking out from Sniper Tower:
    Bottom Mid Room (Under street):
    Tunneling from 1 base to bottom mid room:
    Looking into Base from Outside:
    Mid-map Overview:

    The map isn't super-competitive like for MLG, but is still styled to be played hard. The gametypes supported are nearly everything except Dominion. If you wonder why mid looks empty on each side of the bridge, AGAIN, I haven't added cover yet. This map has around 7k Budget used just on the landscape. Yes, I've placed every single Killzone I could to keep people confined, while not being so super-restrictive like 343 is known for.

    Vehicles and weapons to be present on v1 of the map:

    Per-team Vehicles:
    2 Mongeese
    1 Gauss Warthog
    1 Chaingun Warthog
    1 Ghost

    Per-team Weapons (Ordinance):
    1 Sniper
    1 Sticky Detonator
    1 Railgun
    1 2x-Frag
    1 2x-Plasma

    Neutral Weapons (Ordinance):
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Incineration Cannon

    Per-team Random Weapons (Ordinance):
    1 Energy Sword
    1 Beam Rifle

    It seems like much, yes, but it's v1 and will have to go through a bunch of testing still. But it shouldn't be too long before settings are updated on the map and people find places they shouldn't get into.
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    The map looks cool and is original. That being said I don't think it's no where close playable. Wide open spaces with next to no cover. I'm not going to get detailed here but there needs to be a lot more LoS barriers here and more routes to take before this could be considered a "competitive" map. Right now it sits more as a casual map, one that is designed just for looks and doesn't really support any gametypes. I wouldn't even mention MLG, lol. MLG maps are not competitive maps, they are MLG maps. Competitive maps are ones you play slayer, ctf, dominion, etc on.
  3. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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  4. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    I stated this. It easily supports CTF and Slayer on a large scale. I'm not saying it's MLG. That's pro stuff. This is more casual, thus I said "Competitive". Also, if you actually read what I posted, you'd note that I said I haven't put in ANY cover yet. It's just the layout. Please read before posting.
  5. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    I did read before posting. No need to get aggressive. I just stated it needs ALOT of cover and more alternative routes as well as LoS barriers. You posted here obviously wanting feedback so I stated the obvious, looks great, needs cover and more routes before testing.

    Forgehub has always had two distinct map classifications "Competitive" and "MLG." They are different. Competitive maps are for all original "competitive" gametypes i.e. Slayer, CTF, King, Regicide, Dominion, etc... Then you have MLG maps designed for MLG Gametype specifically. A WHOLE different style of map, watch some MLG games and you'll know the difference. Yes MLG is competitive... but it doesn't play on normal maps with normal gametypes, it takes the game and turns it more into a sport, changing gameplay and map design a lot. This is why MLG has it's own playlist, or atleast did.
    #5 Fenix Hulk, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  6. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only reason Forgehub has MLG prefixes is to denote that they are meant to be played with MLG gametypes only. Come to think of it, the only reason even MLG puts MLG in as a map or gametype prefix is to simply denote that it is an MLG map or gametype.

    They are not different. Besides, no other forum has MLG prefixes like FH, and for good reason too. They shouldn't be differentiated. Any competitive map should be simply regarded as one.

    I do agree that this map looks way too big and open though to earn any sort of competitive merit.
  7. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There is a huge difference there Noooooch... MLG Settings

    Maps are usual custom maps designed for MLG only as well... it has always been different.

    Edit: There is a difference in everything when it comes to MLG (Gameplay, Game Settings, and Maps)
    #7 Fenix Hulk, Jan 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  8. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    Yup, and MLG-made maps are built around how the player can move. Maps that are MLG-made won't play the same as if you used default settings for Slayer, etc. This map is Competitive, meaning it's built around default player settings. Great point Soulcrusher.

    Btw, I thought you were coming off harsh so I retaliated, sorry about that. But yes, I'm adding what I can, but it seems I hit a small snag.

    My Budget is at 8990 of 10000, but for some reason nothing will spawn anymore. I select an item that has like 40 left of it, and nothing happens, same with anything. This makes respawn points hard because I have 117 left, but for some reason I can't place anything else =/
  9. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There's an invisible limit of 650 items total you can spawn, you may have hit that limit.
  10. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wasn't referring to the difference in game mechanics and settings. Everybody knows that MLG gametypes are different and play differently from normal MM gametypes. I was referring to the notion that competitive maps and MLG maps are totally different like you said, Soulcrusher. An MLG map is simply a competitive map that was tailored for MLG gametypes; nothing more, nothing less.

    Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread so I'll just leave it at that.
  11. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There are actually a lot of maps that were built from the ground up for MLG. When a new Halo comes out, they usually tailor the current maps before custom ones are built. That's why forgehub contains a section titled "MLG." They're not tailored maps, they are designed from the ground up just for MLG alone.
  12. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    Anyways, Soulcrusher, I read about that "invisible" limit last night. Yes, it is what I've hit. I had to improve certain sections a bit so I could remove items to place more cover. I seem to be right at the limit again, but only after I placed some ideal cover and finished adding the Objectives for CTF, KoTH, and Oddball.
  13. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    because this is a "map preview" thread, where he states that he is going to be adding in Line of Sight barriers and "cover", why is the criticism being offered that he needs LOS cover and that it's too wide open?

    as it is being argued, a map helps determine the type of gameplay on it. how do you know that a more open world isn't going to be awesome, especially once he implements all of what he wants to do with this?

    As far as advice for how to avoid the lighting budget problem... remove one or two of your Silo 3's and you may find that you have the ability to do a lot more with lighting budget.

    the silos are taller than they are wide, so if you need to you could turn a silo 3 (one that you don't remove) on its side and provide a barrier like you once had with two upright, side by side.

    good luck.
  14. ArionSHFL

    ArionSHFL Promethean

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    I feel like it's it's a campaign level. Something that large scale could be used for a few things, but I agree, it could use a touch up. I admire the amount of work you have done. That map is huge.
  15. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    LOL, simple large open one way routes with zero cover or LoS barriers... hmmm why didn't I think of that.
  16. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    okay, sure ignore the fact that he specifically sa id he's implementing fixes for the two things you hate about this... you just want to hate, that is clear.

    the point is you can't say it won't be awesome once he's done, and saying "hey, it's not done!" is not a very good criticism, now is it?
  17. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    While I enjoy the criticism, I'm going to go ahead and say this, it's pretty much finished. I'm going to playtest a BTB game with it here in the next couple days, and I'm going to get in-game feedback.

    As far as saying "one-way movement and not LoS cover", I'd like to disagree. The map is more movement-oriented. As a team, or smaller fire-groups, is the ideal way to traverse. Running individually will usually find yourself getting overwhelmed or completely alone. Also, there's more than 1 way into each base. There's 3. The lower tunnels, the taller-raised rocky platforms, and the middle street. The raised platforms keep you (for the most part) out of vehicle LoS. Although the Gauss can pick people off who like to hop around.

    Also, the bottom middle room in the level is a bit of a dead zone. The main reason it's there is for recreations sake and that vehicles with flag carriers will probably use it for quick escapes in CTF to avoid firefights in the main middle area of the map. That's what I anticipate, anyways.

    My LoS seems pretty consistant to me. I did add some Cover in the tunnels due to their lengthy LoS through them. Top mid seems even with the arched bridge, and dishes in the middle of each platform. They offer LoS from each raised platform side, but not from the Sniper tower. The only cover you get from someone in the Snipe tower is to drop down to the street, just like in the original game. You can also make a quick escape into the tunnels from middle via the drop-hole that I also included from the original.

    Like I said, the map layout is practically identical, but had to sacrifice some LoSs for the sake of how fast Halo is compared to CBFD. It's nowhere near Pro status, and I don't ever intend it to be. It's meant to be nostalgic, competitive, and most of all, FUN. With that being said, I'm also going to start working on the other CTF map from that game, Colors. I feel this one will be more fun and will be a bit smaller than this one so it can support 5v5 CTF instead of just BTB.
  18. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    that right there is why I jumped to your defense... wide open maps with nothing to balance it is clearly a design flaw, but when you design your map FOR that purpose, and have a type of gameplay in mind, and that map reinforces that you use that type of gameplay, it can work very well.

    You just have to be good at balancing gameplay... and that cannot be determined until someone has played it, or at the very least, run around in the map.
  19. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Ok... I said map looks great, needs more routes, cover, and LoS barriers. He only stated he hasn't added any cover yet. How was my criticism not helpful and what else was I suppose to say?
    #19 Fenix Hulk, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  20. TAxxOUTBR3AKxx

    TAxxOUTBR3AKxx Ancient
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    That's ok. The cover issue I stated with the raised platforms in the middle are semi-taken care of. By that, I mean I averted the issue by non-conventional means. The high route with the bridge is a power-weapon housing. Rockets spawn on the bridge. There is cover from landing to landing, although by way of terrain height to prevent LoS to you. However, snipers from both towers can see most of both platforms. In order to keep from sniper fire, there's 1 cover placed on the platform you can use. If not, then you are forced to jump down to the street to avoid sniper fire. However, you are able to jump back up to the landings from the street along each side of the bridge.

    That way, there's always alternate routes. You can get pretty much from any level to another quickly if you need to. That helps promote movement and not just camping a single area the entire time.

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