I would like to have weapons on maps that are not in the ordnance pods, I know you can place weapons on maps like in previous halo games, but they don't show up when I load the map in custom games, does anyone here know how it works?
It doesn't. They just don't show. Any weapons that you want to appear on your map must be ordinance drops. Bit of a fail on 343i's part but the upside is that they don't cost any money.
placed weapons appear in Infinity Slayer, but not in Slayer Pro, I think. As far as I've experimented, this is the one thing that distinguishes the two that can't be altered by options.
****, whatchu talkin bout. Regular weapons will spawn in Infinity Slayer. I'm assuming you used Slayer Pro like Indie said? If you're wanting to eliminate ordnance drops altogether (which I find the best solution tbh), create an Infinity Slayer custom gametype that disables initial, random, and personal ordnance, then just place regular weapons on map like the good ole days. Or you could just go ahead and download my variant, Daxy Slayer, which takes care of that issue as well. /selfpromotion
Oh... Well that explains some stuff. I've been testing a lot of Forgotten Treasures maps with classic Slayer settings and like 80% of them the weapons weren't showing. Err... wow...
I made infinity slayer into a custom classic slayer gametype that Shadow and chrst approved. It's in my fileshare.
Well the rules said they would be tested with "both the official slayer gametypes". I would have rather used placed weapons but to comply with this I used ordinance drops to work with both. Maybe you should go with what the announcement said you would be testing with? Just a suggestion.
From shadow himself, he openly stated to me that they'll probably alter them. They said both official gametypes before we all got to know the game and the complication with Slayer Pro.
I agree that that is a better decision, but it probably should have been posted in the announcement thread.
Thanks for the response! I guess I'll have to re-do my game mode using infinity slayer instead of slayer pro :S
Definitely so. Especially since I'm trying to contribute my thoughts of the maps for judging when I'm apparently not even playing the right games. Then again, it's not my place to make such an announcement.
No problem, I think everything about Pro can be replicated in Infinity. Except how it handles placed weapons, lol.