PERISH My original design for this map was a infinity loop with one loop being smaller than the other, as if someone pulled one side and left the other side smaller. From then on the map grew and grew, until it is as you see it today. The map is assymetrical and is meant for 8-12 players. it feature only infinity team slayer as of now, but i plan to set up CTF and KOTH soon. Weapons initial ordnance drops: -rocket -railgun -sniper -2x needlers -pulse grenade -plasma grenade -2x frag grenade -sword (which is open for debate in the comment section since i didnt know if it should stay or not) Vehicles 2 mongeese BLUE RED 1 ghost NEUTRAL RED BASE BLUE BASE CROSSOVER SMALL LOOP TELEPORTER There is a 2-way teleporter set up to transport you from one side of the map to the direct opposite. TRAIT ZONES I have included 4 different trait zones on the map: 1. when travelling over the man cannon onto the top of the crossover you gain a 1.4x energy shield. 2. When on the top layer of the crossover you gain a 110% jump so that splatters are less frequent (this is to make the top crossover possible to cross without a high chance of ghost death). 3. when standing on the red bases large platform y piece you gain an 75% radar to see further around the map since you are less exposed (this is so it does not get neglected as an high death area). 4. when you reach the top of the grav-lift you reach a 110% gravity area to reduce air time when on the lift. EXTRA PICS ====================================== Please, please, please leave feedback. whether good or bad, because alot of my maps have never gotten much feedback and i would greatly appreciate it for this map. please download and comment. Download GT: oxitran
It looks pretty good. I have a couple questions however... 1. In the second picture we see a mongoose and behind it we see a bridge with a Warthog....I'm not sure but it looks as though it might feel awkward with that gap there. 2. Why is Red base Gold and why is Blue base Cyan? I'll DL in a couple hours and fly through it to give more in depth analysis.
thank you. i appreciate the feedback ^.^ 1: well the bridge with the warthog is a pure aesthetic piece with autonomous vehicles spawning along it at regular intervals to mimic traffic. i would like to ask do you mean players might feel awkward seeing the bridge just beyond that gap?? 2:red base is orange and blue base i cyan because i wanted to use more luminous pieces as i feel they appear softer in the impact sandbox. while i feel they also give better direction because they are more eye catching. thank you, appreciate the download and look forward to future feedback.
1. Ohhhhh! I didn't see they were autonomous! Nevermind, that's wicked cool! Okay, so it's like a set piece (akin to the vehicles beyond the fence of The Pit from Halo 3 or something like that) 2. Okay, I see, I see. I'll give you more when I can play around on it!
1: yeah its sort of like the pit. it gave me alot of problems for a aesthetic feature first i had landmines to cycle the vehicle to make them respawn really fast but then sometimes vehicle parts would block the other vehicles, plus the noise was annoyingly loud. all in all it was very messy. but alas i found a solution which was switch the landmines for man cannons, which gives the vehicles the effect of warping into light-speed ( thats my excuse ^.^ ) and they also get destroyed by falling to there destruction and respawn at a good pace. 2: okay i really look forward to your feedback because i was a little afraid about the colour scheme i went with again thanks for the feedback, and taking an interest in my map.
had a look around forge and i like the layout, it feels open and yet i could probably traverse the area whilst feeling protected from the enemy. 2 things stood out for me. im not sure the map lends itself to vehicles. 2 mongoose and 1 ghost. i'm not telling you to take them out. just thinking out loud that i am not sure that they add anything to the map. the second being the red crossover bridge. the very angle of the picture you posted above: i found myself often getting caught when running that way across the braces. going from the flat to the bridge (where the black and yellow stripes are). if you could smooth that out it would be a big help. other than that i liked.
thank you for downloading it and going around examining in forge ^.^ yeah i know what you are talking about, it does have a very protected yet open feeling, i was a little worried about to much cover being present. but i'am glad you like the cover to openness ratio. thats a very valid point about the vehicles. at first there was only a ghost. and its main reason was for enticing players to venture into the smaller loop. i will probably change the mongeese to CTF only when i get it up and running. hmm yeah i know the exact problem you mention. thank you for pointing it out to me as a problem because i didnt really pick up on it . it will be smoothed ^.^ as always, thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated. [br][/br]Edited by merge: UPDATE: The map now supports 1-flag CTF, and KOTH. in 1-Flag I have disabled each teleporter. I have also changed a few cover pieces so that they better suit the maps aesthetics and flow. I have fixed the bumps in the braces in the crossover by using 4 columns to reduce the brace bump. I have also fixed all other bumps and little gaps.
I love the layout and look of this map. The structure of it is eye-catching. There is a good mix of larger and smaller as well as open and closed spaces. Because the architecture is interesting, the dynamic lighting makes the spaces look, well, dynamic. I can tell it would be fun to play some games on it. The moving vehicle area is very creative and a nice addition. There was one thing that concerned me. I noticed quite a frame rate hit when looking toward the center of the map from almost anywhere else in the map, especially when I went into split screen. It doesn't seem as if most areas in the map were created using too many objects, but you may want to find areas where there are more objects than necessary and simplify them. I really like the size and layout though, so it may be tough. You may end up having to remove extras such as the autonomous vehicle area and miscellaneous terminals and such if you want to get the frame rate more solid. I really look forward to seeing if you can develop this a bit more to get it to be a fun and smooth playing map. Good job so far.