Personally, I would preffer a remake of a Halo 1 classic such as Hang em High or Prisoner rather than Midship.
Waterworks, ftw! jk Anyways, a map like Turf would be a good map to make. It doesn't have to be exactly like it, but something like it. BTW, we need more maps like those anyway. Medium sized, asymmetrical, and has one or two vehicles. A new arena map would be good too. Foundation, I consider, is one of the best arena maps out there in H2. It was slightly larger than other arena maps, it had lots of weapons, had a good layout for More-than-two-flag CTF, which I think should be made, and it was fun, which is very important as well. Something similar to Foundation would be the best advancement that H3 could make.
Now that kids, is what we call nostalgia. Midship really was legend for competitive players because of its versatility. It ran FFA, Ball, TS, Flag, and even king extremely well. It was even fun for casual players because of the plasma rifle and plasma 'nades start, but it was the epitome of a competitive map. The callouts were great and there were a wide variety of jumps too. It was just a complete map. Do you realize the time commitment for a map? It would be ridiculous if Bungie put a map out for Double Exp, and they have to snub it after all that time because it got negative feedback. It's a nice thought, but it would never happen. Although Foundation is set up in an arena type way, it was probably the least competitive small-medium sized map in Halo 2. I guess you could call it an arena map, but since most arena maps are designed with competitive Halo in mind, I don't think of it that way. Like I said earlier, exact remakes of maps don't work well because it just isn't the same game. If you look at the remakes that stay true to the originals on most everything, Blackout and Last Resort, they did not turn out well (some may disagree on Blackout). The two spiritual successors that Bungie has released, Avalanche and Guardian, have both been very popular. I would love to see Midship, Ascension, or any other great map remade, but I have lost all faith in Bungie with exact remakes. It shouldn't all go on Bungie because if they keep it the exact same, people would whine about there not being any differences, and if they change a couple of things, people critique them for not keeping a part of the map that worked well in the original. Remakes just aren't good for anyone because they are difficult for Bungie to pull off, and they often leave people disappointed in one way, shape, or form. I would much rather see a map based off of the basic premise of a map or completely new one instead of dealing with a remake. Bungie's issue with Blackout aren't entirely limited to it being a remake. Aesthetics add a nice look to a map, but they should only be there for that. It is so frustrating when I am throwing a 'nade in the shotgun hallway on Blackout, and my 'nade comes back at me because of the weird textures on the ground. I think these aesthetics are becoming a distraction from solid gameplay. Looking at the sunset and satellites is cool the first day of playing Standoff, but the bland looks and solid gameplay of Halo 1 maps last forever. The looks on Standoff and Avalanche aren't the issue because they are casual maps, but when Bungie starts to worry about aesthetics on competitive map like Blackout could have been, they are doing something wrong. I think that I can speak for all competitive players when I say that I could care less if a map had graphics from Atari (over-exaggeration), but as long as it plays well, I'm content. Bungie is losing sight on what is important with their maps. (Ends rant)
id have to say remakes can be cool but we just had two in one map pack and halo 3 desperatly needs lots of new and exciting maps so i dont want any remakes at least for a little while. What they could do though is a one point release a remake map pack! That i would like.