Halo 4 Object Limit

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Given To Fly, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Yes, sadly there is still a limit to how many objects you can place on the map at one time. I first figured this out while forging my Orbital remake. I was just barely able to finish the map structure, and as I was placing spawns it happened. The game does not say anything to you, it just does not let you spawn another item.

    Now this isn't a huge deal for most forgers, but for those who try to use everything that they possibly can, are in for a challenge. After the max amount of objects have been placed, the map tends to want to delete some of the objects, or de-spawn them. This is by far the most irratating thing I've encountered about forge and figured I should warn the community.

    Map Canvas - Impact

    -Orbital Remake Variant -

    Structure Objects Used:
    Impact: 85 / 100
    Blocks: 100 / 100
    Bridges/ Platforms: 49 / 50
    Buildings: 1 / 12
    Decorative: 96 / 100
    Doors/ Walls: 50 / 50
    Inclines: 97 / 100
    Natural: 14 / 50​

    Vehicle Objects Used:
    Mongoose: 2​

    Scenery Objects Used:
    Crates: 10​

    Dominion Objects Used:
    Dominion Base Stripes: 16
    Turret Monitor: 14
    Base Monitor: 4
    Turret Monitor Small: 4​

    Objective Objects Used:
    Flag Stand: 2
    Capture Plates: 2
    Ordinance Drop: 4​

    Spawning Objects Used:
    Initial Points: 16
    Spawn Points: 61
    Respawn Zones: 6
    Kill Boundry: 1​

    Weapon Objects Used:
    Forerunner Weapons: 4
    Covenant Weapons: 5
    UNSC Weapons: 7​

    Doing the math, that's 650 total objects placed on the map before it stopped letting me spawn items.​

    It's proven to be the object limit because any object is exchangable with another.
    They all carry the same amount of weight.​

    ( 1 Frag grenade = 1 Wall Coliseum )​

    With that being said, you need to watch your item quantity as well as your budget. Not to mention the weight of frame-rate being caused in the map by certain items which can be found here. ​

    This is true for all 3 forge maps Halo 4 has to offer.​
  2. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    I also encountered this with my foundry remake, and I do also believe the object limit was 650 for Halo: Reach as well. Thanks for clearing this up though, glad it wasn't just me.
  3. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Yeah, I encountered the same thing with my Citadel remake initially. Version 1.0 I was unable to spawn any more than 3 hill markers for KOTH. However in later revisions, I was able to substantially reduce the object count so it was no longer a problem.

    This makes sense now. I was wondering what was going on.
  4. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Happened to me, as well on one of my recent maps. After thinking, I do believe that objects started disappearing. I will definitely look out for this, now that I know about it.
  5. xXTacoGuyXx

    xXTacoGuyXx Forerunner

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    Yep. It's exactly the same in Reach. Even people with JTAGs can't get around it i think. They can get past the budget, but not the total item limit.

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