Can anyone help me on this?! I have a pretty bad feeling that I'm completely screwed, but it never hurts to ask. I spent about a month intensively working on this map. (Rangos) It is a large scale Dominion / CTF map built on Ravine. When I went into forge and tried to load up the map earlier today my XBOX had decided that it is just plain old Impact now... even though it is still in the Ravine sub-menu.. I would understand if it just got erased somehow, but wtf is this whole impact thing about?? This is what the menu screen looks like now: This is what the map used to look like: RANGOS (Cinematic Trailer) - YouTube And this is what it looks like now...
If you've been hitting Save instead of Save As, there is a glitch which causes you to lose your file. You can avoid it by using Save As all of the time.
Perhaps one of your friends have played or loaded up your map recently? It would still be in their temporary history or they might have saved it? It's worth a shot to ask anyone that had joined your game at any point... Aside from that there really isn't much you can do to get a corrupted map file back otherwise. I always save two or three versions of my map before I turn off my xbox because of this reason. I'm sorry to hear that it happened to you also. I lost a Narrows remake on Halo Reach when I had about 30 hours into it already. Good Luck
Damn, really? Yea that could definitely be it... Thanks, at least I will know to use "save as" from now on. Yea, I wish the file browser was up. I would have definitely uploaded the finished version to my file-share by now. That is a good idea though, I will check with everyone. I think I may have suggested the file to my friends somewhat recently. Even if it's a real old version, some saved work is much better than none.
Check your temporary files for maps and see if it's listed there, maybe multiple times if you've had it open in multiple recent games. If so, go back a few iterations and see if you can find it in there.
Fauch: Thanks a lot! I actually didn't think that was going to work because I tried downloading it from my own file share and it looked like it was still Impact... but I tried getting it from yours, and there it is! It's a little bit of an older version, so if you checked it out yourself, don't judge me too harshly. I will have to fix it up right again. Nutduster, thanks as well. also a very good idea. I have been way too addicted to infinity challenge games lately though, and I think those games have flooded up my temp files. Anyways, hooray! all is not lost! Thank god.
when saving your games, make sure you save the game and dont forget to quit the forge session, if you dont quit after saving, it wont save, so in other words make sure you end your game before turning ur xbox off, dont ever turn it off during forge, even if u think u have saved it, chances are it wont save, has never worked for me.
I feel ya man. I was working on a High Ground remake and was almost done and spent forever on it and then it was gone. I'm told it happened in Reach as well but seems so much more frequent with Halo 4....343 should sort this out but methinks it won't happen. :/
I have a map I was procrastinating on for a while now, and I put it on my file share just in case anyone wants to DL it (although its not really finished). While I'm here, is this another way of avoiding the problem?
yup, almost the EXACT same thing happened to me...unfortunately i had not uploaded it to my fileshare and my temp files were flooded with matchmaking