I'm working on an MLG map remake and trying to get the weapons and AA pickups to behave like they do on the original Reach version. I can't get the weapons to drop spawn, the AA's for initial ordinances don't have (min/max count) the setting to allow a certain number of it's kind to be on the map during a game, and I can't find a setting that lets me set a weapon to spawn on CTF (or any gametype) only. Does anyone know any tricks to work around this? EDIT: I'm scratching the drop spawn idea although I remembered the right way to do it. I also found the option to set a weapon to CTF. I think a glitch made that option disappear before I restarted the map to check again. CTF was set as the gametype for both sessions. Weird...
Drop spawns don't work anyway because weapons despawn much faster in Halo 4 than they did in other Halos. I would go with random ordnance on static timer or just regular weapon spawns. Both have their faults, sadly.
You can't do MLG weapon spawns with ordnances, you need to place the weapons/abilities themselves on the map. I think you want X>Advanced> max set to however many you want to be the limit on the map (bottom of the list). Place the item in the air above where you want it to sit and set to either phased or fixed. Let go, then press X and put it on normal. If you save and start a game (or even begin a new round) it will spawn drop. For the CTF you need to start a forge session in CTF and then you can make it spawn only in CTF by setting gametype specific to true and game label to CTF (also in Advanced)
My weapon settings are actual weapon placements. I had already done what you said about setting the weapons to drop spawn, but when I start the map in customs the weapons spawn where they landed when I dropped them in Forge. (EDIT: Oh wait.. lol... I know what I did wrong with the drop spawns) Also, the menu that I need to go to to set a weapon to spawn in CTF only is missing the option to set it to just CTF. Unless CA moved it to a different menu, it's not there.
This isn't a viable option anymore. The weapons despawn after 12 seconds once they hit the ground. Unacceptable.
So then what are MLG maps doing? I'm actually interested because I hate Infinity Slayer so much, and I want to start making MLG stuff.
MLG v1 Settings Are Out - The Halo Council Some weapons are static and some are dynamic, like the Railgun and Rocket Launcher. It's inconsistent throughout maps, which sucks in my opinion. Pretty much the weapons are laid down on 60s, 120s, 160s timers. No more drop spawning since they despawn waaaay too quickly.
Static means a weapon respawns every x seconds into the game, every time. Dynamic means it spawns x seconds AFTER its decay timer starts (picked up)
Well then how exactly do you modify if a weapon is dynamic/static. Sorry just trying to learn the ropes.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong. You can't static spawn weapons unless you use random ordnance drops. You'd have an Initial Drop that never respawns, and then you would place a random ordnance drop and define it so that the only weapon that respawns is the one you want. What makes it difficult is that you can only define the minimum and maximum timer for random ordnance drops in your gametype, not in forge. For example the Railgun would spawn "randomly" at a minimum of 120s and a maximum of 120s, which makes it static.
@Noooooch that's basically it. @OP We can only use ordnance drops to static spawn one (or two) weapons. Everything else goes on a dynamic timer. I personally find ordnance annoying (especially in smaller maps) because it also allows players to hide after they see that a powerup has been picked up (Damage Boost, Overshield) in order to run down the powerup timer. This turns powerup spawn sites into campfests unless they're designed well.
Well that sucks. Do they despawn if the weapon is still moving around? you could somehow set up a gravity field or dominion shield door in such a way that the weapon never actually touches the ground.