So I wanted to make an alternative submission for sotw because the others' lighting was difficult to work with. I used the same effects, different render though. I II let me know what you think.
Black and White. Everything is clearer and the colors don't blend together as well in the colored version.
The first one looks great when I sit back about 3 feet away from my computer, but when I look closer it looks like the background is very low-res imo As is, it's a great image, but I can't help but get distracted by, esp. the "pixelatedness" of the left side of his body..
you'll have to explain. you mean the effect at the bottom left and top right? I was trying to add some depth with those. as for the pixelation, how's this: thanks for teh cnc.
Idk if it's the background, or the effects, but one of the 2 has to go. It is too distorted to have any good effect. As for depth, place things behind and in front of him or put it a real life background. Just here I would have to say something is preventing this from being a great sig.