..:Cavalier Castle:.. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21290325 Here is the 3rd addition to my castle collections....Cavalier Castle, and by far the most action packed, crazy, exploding, map tacular castle ever created, exclusively for Halo 3 players who love to blow up vehicles, drive them, laser people from the sky tower, and who just love having fun! The layout as you can see is similar to those in the past, but with acceptional differences that allow for totally different gameplay. For instance, there is the street of death....located on the back side of the castle that links the two sides together making now possible for attackers to drive behind the enemy ranks and cut them down in sneakiness. Another addition to the new castle features an ramp leading from the inside of the castle up onto the main deck where most of the battle ensues. The newest idea for the map...teleports, allows for players to reach the highest points of the castle to gain an addvantage over their enemies and as well as recieving a couple of goodies along the way (banshees and a hornet). Now, what i think is probably the best and funniest addition to the castle is the sky tower. The reason is because there is a teleporter hidden somewhere in the castle (not hard to find for all the people that think they can't do anything right..haha just kidding..) that leads you on top of it where you will find a spartan laser. You may now cause serious havoc down below on the little specs trying to take over your castle! Weapons.....not much here....the layout consists of all the weapons in halo savor a few, that are evenly balanced with the vehivles...leaving well played games in the end. Vehiclces......same as the other two castles....many vehicles for attackers, and few for the defenders, seeing that the defenders have good weapons. I hope you will enjoy this map very much...and let god be with you all on the battlefield....see you there!
Yes you did. I'm guessing this one is not going to be closed as it is the only one that has the full post. So I'll start with my review I have a few questions: Is this supposed to be in competitive? It looks like just a castle. And are there 2 sides with equal chances at winning(if it is competitive)?
It's common. Don't worry about it. If your computer is slower, it could have lagged and done it itself. Or maybe you clicked to post 3 times while it was lagging and it recorded all of them. A mod should close the other two sometime soon
I'm going to close the other ones. Please dont post in them. And dont comment this was posted 3 times, anyone else.
The castle looks pretty good the watchtower on the way right caught me eye, the one with the /\ / \ \ / / \ look, idk how to explain the shape lol, i do think a few things could be straightened otu however, its hard without foundrys flat floor
messy... u should try to make a flat platform then build onto that, or dont make towers on this map. the ground isnt flat and it makes "tower of piza" type towers and i just dont like it, but maybe thats just me